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Zeile 180: Zeile 180:
Zoro: What did you think when the argument between Luffy and Usopp started? Which one did  
Zoro: What did you think when the argument between Luffy and Usopp started? Which one did  
you think was right? When a man devotes himself to a duel nothing is more important than the  
you think was right? When a man devotes himself to a duel nothing is more important than the  
outcome of that battle, win or lose… and that guy lost! Then he left of his own volition. You  
outcome of that battle, win or lose… and that guy lost! Then he left of his own volition. You  
guys need to understand that an idiot like this (he hits Luffy, and Luffy just stays quiet) has
guys need to understand that an idiot like this (he hits Luffy, and Luffy just stays quiet)
the title of captain. Someone who crawls around like that and can’t stand up on his own  
has the title of captain. Someone who crawls around like that and can’t stand up on his own  
shouldn’t be part of this crew! If the captain loses his dignity this crew will fall apart  
shouldn’t be part of this crew! If the captain loses his dignity this crew will fall apart  
Everyone: [silence]
Everyone: [silence]

Version vom 16:10, 13. Dez. 2006

Erste Spoiler

Ich hab nicht zu viel versprochen :)
Die Spoiler liessen nicht lang auf sich warten (eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Kapitels):

Datei:Th 45138 676920 122 315lo.jpg
Lysop: Es tut mir leid, dass ich so ein Dickkopf war!!! Das war nicht richtig!!!


Lysop sieht wie die Crew die Segel setzt und sieht ein, dass das Verlassen der Bande ein riesiger Fehler war. Er will wirklich zurück in die Bande und traut sich schließlich auf Ruffy zu zu gehen und zu fragen, ob er wieder Mitglied werden kann.

An dieser Stelle zieht Ruffy ihn an Bord, das Kapitel endet mit einer glücklich wieder vereinten Crew.


Fake Script dieser Woche

__HIDER__ <hide>Ok, hier jetzt der zweite Spoiler in Quicktrans von einem annonymen Helferlein :)

Chapter 438 – Existing

This is a contribution from Mr. Bushido

Usopp is watching Luffy and the others from a rocky area.

Usopp: Luffy and the others have a new boat? It’s really well made. If I don’t hurry up those guys are going to leave me. Now is definitely the time for “pattern 57”. I’ll sneak past Robin before she notices and get on the boat as they depart, then suddenly… poof, I’ll appear to everyone’s surprise and everyone will forget about the fight between me and Luffy and we can all sail together again. Here goes the man Usopp. Now I’ll show you a man’s resolve.

Returning back to Franky getting ready to leave

Franky: Bakaburg, Kokoro-baba, the runt, Yokozuna, all of you guys… thanks for taking care of me up to now

Zanbai and the other Franky family are crying and can’t really come up with anything to say

Kokoro: ngagagagagaga.. you’re finally setting off huh? This water capital is gonna get lonely. Tom said that some day you’d do exactly that… ngagagaga.

Iceburg: nma.. Up until now I was the only one who had a purpose. Looks like you’re finally making something of yourself. (this one very well could be wrong)

Franky: Shut up, you damned Bakaburg.

Iceburg: Is there anything else you need to do before you head out, Franky?

Kokoro: until the last of the last, you two are together.. seems like nothing’s changed at all.. gagagaga.

Yokozuna: GEROGERO.

Luffy: Well, it’s about time we head out, Franky

Franky: yeah.

Franky: let’s get on the ship (it’s not parenthesized, but I guess he’s saying it or thinking it)

-at the rocks nearby, is Usopp-

Usopp: Alright, just like this I’m going to wander onto the back of the boat

Robin: Longnose-Kun, so what were you up to a second ago?

Everyone: USOPP?

Usopp: Crap, pattern 57 was no good after all huh... well…

Luffy: Hurry up and get on, Usopp

Zoro: So he finally came back eh?

Nami: What a bother.

Sanji: ..jeez

Chopper: We were waiting for you Usopp

Robin: Welcome back, longnose-kun

Franky: Hurry up and get on the dream ship I built.

Usopp: ….

Luffy: give it up, Usopp (this one also may be wrong)

Usopp: Is it really alright for me to come along?

Luffy: Stop complaining about stuff and get on already.

Usopp: woooah (maybe Luffy drags him on)

Luffy: nishishishishi (laughing)

Zanbai: Aniki! Thanks for taking care of us. The next time we meet I’ll be a world-class shipwright, so let’s meet again!

The whole Franky family: Aniki! Let’s meet again.

Franky: You assholes….

-franky is crying aloud here-

Iceburg: Franky puffs out his chest and lives with a DON.

Franky: waahhhhh (still wailing)

Luffy: We’re setting off!

Kokoro: ngagagaga, those guys left already.

Chimney: Can the pirate-bro really become the Pirate King?

Kokoro: It’s alright, since he carries the will of D… ngagagagagaga

-on the new boat-

Nami: We’ve been through a lot of stuff lately…

Luffy: Well, we’re better off for it. Usopp and Robin both came back and we got a new nakama in Franky.. hey, Sanji.. set up a party.

Sanji: I’ve already made the preparations.

Luffy: ohh you’re always thinkin’ well, let’s get it started

Sanji: Hey, where’s Robin at?

-in the rear of the boat-

-Robin is muttering to herself and reflecting about the recent events-

Robin: Saulo, in these 20 years I’ve thought about dying many times. You thought there would be nakama that would show up and protect me. And finally, as you said, I’ve got nakama I can believe in.

Sanji: Robin-chan, the banquet is starting.

Robin: ah, yes. I’ll head there now.

Robin: I can exist with these nakama.

-at some island-

Ace: [panting]

Teach: What’s wrong? Is that all you’ve got, Mr. second-in-command?







Originally Posted by martigan

Chapter 438: “Pride”

-front picture- Enel’s epic space battle vol. 9 “the creeping shadow”
Enel watches a loudly crying Spaceship lieutenant while a mysterious shadow approaches

The scene has returned to just a little before the “Franky speedo affair”

Luffy: huh? Usopp came back?!
Sanji: yeah, he was just rehearsing something by himself over on the beach.
Luffy: Really? What the hell? why in the world? Let’s go pick him up right now!!
Chopper: yeah!!
Nami: he’s completely unaffected [by the situation]… sheesh…

Zoro: hold on a minute, I won’t let any one of you leave to go pick him up.
Luffy: huh? Why?
Zoro: He screwed up and can’t act as your subordinate. I won’t approve of that guy 
coming back here with his head hung low!
Chopper: Zoro!! (getting mad)
Nami: What are you saying Zoro… why….

Zoro: shut the hell up!

Zoro: What did you think when the argument between Luffy and Usopp started? Which one did 
 you think was right? When a man devotes himself to a duel nothing is more important than the 
 outcome of that battle, win or lose… and that guy lost! Then he left of his own volition. You 
 guys need to understand that an idiot like this (he hits Luffy, and Luffy just stays quiet)
 has the title of captain. Someone who crawls around like that and can’t stand up on his own 
 shouldn’t be part of this crew! If the captain loses his dignity this crew will fall apart 

Everyone: [silence]

Zoro: [I can’t translate this part=/]
Nami: what? The conversation isn’t over at just that!!
Zoro: That idiot coming back is absolutely not ok with me… but, this time you can’t set unclear
 terms… I will never let that happen… and if that’s the case, you can just leave Usopp on this 
Nami: Wait a minute, Zoro.. that guy certainly did some bad things, but if he comes back you 
can just tell him all that stuff…
Zoro: Is leaving from a crew such a trivial affair!? grrrr (thrusts his sword into the floor) 
We can’t trust a guy who would do something like this on a whim! It’s a simple matter.. if the 
first thing out of Usopp’s mouth is a sincere apology then ok, anything else and that asshole 
can go home. What we’re doing out here as pirates isn’t a game of make-believe for some fucking
-everyone is silent as if waiting for the conclusion to his rant-
to be continued

--the scene changes to where Vice-Admiral Garp is—

Sailor: Vice Admiral Garp! The Straw Hat crew has been found. They are surely right now on the 
southeast scrap yard island, and getting away right before our very eyes!
Garp: Set a course right now. Everyone, get on.
Coby: Vice Admiral Garp, we had such a refreshing farewell from Luffy and the others, having to
 do this is really embarrassing…
Garp: If you want to complain, do it to Sengoku. He’s the one who got pissed and sent us back
 here, like he’s so great.
Aokiji: you’re the one who said “he’s my grandson after all” on the den-den mushi, weren’t you?
Garp: you’re pretty noisy huh. be quiet, you youngster.
Sailor: Admiral, sir… is it really alright for you to be here?
Aokiji: going home on the bike is pretty annoying, you know… I won’t get in the way or anything
 (he lays down on an ice bed or something like that)

-The scene changes again to Usopp, who is running through the town-

Usopp: Alright! I’m going back.. back to my nakama! Everyone is waiting for me! and they made
 me an amazing new boat! everything is going to go smoothly, returning to the crew… whaaat!?!
 those guys are already about to set out! Well, I still have my tactic “Pattern 100”! It’s the
 front-runner for my best returning speech
Usopp: Just like that.. you guys are crying and counting on me!! Of course “Super-Captain Usopp
 can come back!! thankyou Super-Captain Usopp!!! ahhh whatever I hear, it’s going to be words 
 welcoming me back, bwahahaha

-and he continues running through the streets-

--the scene once again focuses on Luffy and the others—

Luffy: Let’s go!
Zanbai: Take care Aniki, the Franky family is indesctructible!
Nami: wait a minute, Luffy!
Chopper: Luffy!
Franky: Are you sure, Strawhat? We’re still waiting on one guy.
Luffy: I waited. I heard the story from Sanji.. about the Galley-La room that he was supposed 
 to be in.. I waited… and he didn’t come… that’s your answer. even to that guy… it was fun.. I 
 didn’t think he’d quit being a pirate, but I was glad I could meet him out on the sea.
Robin: …..

(cannonfire) – the ship starts getting bombarded –

Luffy: Grandpa!?!
Garp: Heeeyy Luffy, can you hear me? this is your grandfather… your grandfather!
Luffy: Hey gramps, what the hell? I thought you said you weren’t going to capture us here.
Garp: yeah.. sorry about that… but a lot of things happened and.. I’m sorry but… you’re really
 just gonna have to die out here on the sea.
Luffy: whaaat?
Garp: Do you expect an apology or something? I’ll take you guys on alone.. bring the 
 [gun/cannon] shell!
Sanji: what is he planning?
Garp: FIST! (holding the shell) Meteorite! (he threw it!)
-kaboom!- it hits a scrap vessel and explodes
Sanji: he made a cannon attack with his bare hands!?!?
Zoro: That flew at us way faster than a cannonball… it’s like a baseball…
Garp: hahahhaa.. the years are taking their toll on me.. lately my power is way down.
Nami: It’s no use.. we have to run away! this new ship is going to be blasted into tiny pieces!
Garp: Bring me 1000 shells!
Sailors: uh.. bringing the shells sir!
Coby: Fist Meteor Shower!
Helmeppo: One ship can’t possibly take that sort of barrage!
Garp: well, should we get started, youngsters?
--Garp threatens them by beating his arm—
Luffy: Full speed ahead! we’re going to crush those shells!
Sanji: shit.. that guy really didn’t come…
Chopper: He came! Usopp came!
Robin: really!?
Chopper: hey, everyone! Usopp showed up!

Usopp: wait! what are you guys doing! I’m not even on the boat yet! didn’t we fight together 
 even after the argument?! I’m sogeking! I changed my appearance and all… did you give up? 
 hey.. you guys, rest easy… I’m finally back!

Garp: ohhh hahahahaha!!! (Garp is in a good mood and rapidly throwing things)
-on the other hand the Strawhat Pirates are desperately fighting a defensive battle—
Chopper: Usopp came! Luffy! Usopp is here!
Everyone: Protect the ship! (they’re too busy to even notice)
Usopp: [panting] … you freaking idiots, stop the ship! hey! be happy! it’s me!! Chopper!! 
 good weather today, right? we should go fishing.. hey it’s not the time for that.. ahaha! Oh 
 and by the way I have good news! Since I happened to show up, the amazing Super-Captain, we
 can do anything! hey!!!
-Usopp thinking to himself (you can’t do anything.. even in the end you were just a bother)
Usopp: You guys! You didn’t believe that joke right?... just joking about the captain thing.. 
 that sort of thing, of course it isn’t true.. we had all sorts of quarrels… we’re nakama!
 it’s like water under the bridge… hey.. say something!
Chopper: Luffy! Usopp is calling you!
Luffy: can’t hear him.
Zoro: I don’t hear anything.

Usopp: what the hell? Is this really their farewell to me? is that so? well that’s enough!! 
 that thing that’s bothering you.. there’s one thing you want me to say..

Usopp: I’m sorrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Usopp: I’ll say it with conviction.. (he’s crying) I’m so sorry! I was wrong!!!

Luffy and the rest: ….! Zoro, cracking a smirk: Usopp!!!!

Usopp: from now on I’ll pay attention.. I said I wanted to quit the crew…. can I cancel that 
 request?? Is it ok? I’m counting on you guys… let me be part of this once more! Let me be your 
 nakama! (Usopp is sobbing)

-Luffy stretches out his arm-

Usopp: Luffy…
Luffy: you freakin’ idiot, grab on! (Luffy is crying too) whoaaa!
Zoro: you’re the idiot! hahahaha
Nami: haha! you guys aren’t cool at all! (she’s trying to hold back the tears)

Luffy: Finally, everyone is together! Let’s hurry up and escape this bombardment! Let’s move on 
 to the next adventure!
Everyone: Allright!

--end for this week—

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