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447話 びっくりゾンビ
Chapter 447: "Surprise Zombie"
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Also, Spoiler zum neuen Skript gibt es bislang nicht übersetzt! <br>
Enel's space Odyssey Volume 16: [Enter Name I don't know right now], the space pirates and their ship?
Aber ich kann versuchen die wichtigsten Ereignisse zusammen zu fassen: <br>
Das Kapitel hat den Titel "Moria" <br>
Enels Coverstory geht weiter - Vol 17 - Irgendwas bezüglich einer Laterne und "Maschinen Island"<br>
Das Kapitel beginnt mit Nami, Lysop und Chopper, die etwas mehr über Cindy erfahren: <br>
Kerberos: Growl...!
Cindy war eine bekannte Schauspielerin, die vor 10 Jahren gestorben ist. <br>
Dann taucht eine Person mit einem Katana auf "Yohohohoho!! Kein Problem, ich kümmer mich um die!" (Naaa, wer könnte das wohl sein? XD) <br>
Zorro: What did he get pumped about all of a sudden
Zorro: Well then I'll-
Luffy: No wait! I wanna try tame it!
Zorro: This stupid mutt... you think you could be its owner!?
ルフィ「犬は犬だよーしよしよし お手」
Dann haben wir einen Szenenwechsel zum Rest der Crew, die gerade gegen eine Reihe von Geistern kämpfen (liest sich irgendwie wie "negative Medien" oder so) <br>
Luffy: Dog is dog! Oookay! Give paw : D
Auf jeden Fall ist es wohl so, wenn man im Kampf von diesen Geistern berührt wird, so wird man pessimistisch. (lol?) <br>
Dann taucht eine Reihe von Zombies auf, die der Strohhut-Bande hilft und die Geister mit einer Combo-Attacke besiegen: <br>
Kerberos: !! Woof woof gohng!!! *guzzle*
6 Zombies führen den "600 Millionen Berry - JACKPOT!!" aus ~ wie erwähnt eine Combo-Attacke von 6 Zombies/Attacken. <br>
Dann taucht ein alter Mann auf, der an einen Zombie erinnert (vom Optischen). <br>
Luffy gets bitten
Der alte Mann hat ebenfalls keinen Schatten und dann fällt ein Name: <br>
<big>'''Gekko Moria'''</big> <br>
Franky: And he just said it...
ルフィ「としよしいい子だ よーしよしよし・・・そうだゆっくり離せ・・・いい子だな・・・」
Luffy: alright alright, be a good boy.... aaalright... now let go.... good boy....
Luffy: -- YOU ASSHOLE!!! (Luffy smashes the Kerberos into the wall)
Luffy: Pshe
Sanji&Zorro: No, no....
ロビン「それにしてもひどい傷ね 生きてるのが不思議だわ」
Gekko Moria ist einer der 7 Samurai (OMG Oda, ich liebe dich!!) und als er noch Pirat war, hatte er ein höheres Kopfgeld als Ruffy nun, so Robin (sie kennt ihn bzw der Kerl ist ihr ein Begriff.) <br>
Robin: Although you just did this it has a big wound, it's strange that it's still alive.
Sanji: Above that, I wonder why there's somehow a fox mixed into it.
門の中へ入る一同 ルフィとフランキーはケルベロスの背中に乗ってる
Ende soweit.
Everyone passes the gate, Franky and Luffy are riding on the back of the Kerberos
Luffy: This island is so much fun already with this sweet guy popping up and all
Franky: So after this moat there comes a forest eh...
Sanji: Heeeey Nami-saaaan!! Scoobyd Nami-san where are youuu!!?
Robin: You're not looking so good, Kerberos-san
Zorro: Weeell... don't pity him, you're hurting his pride (<- what's he saying about dentists?)
Luffy: *looking ahead* Hn?
Human-faced tree: HA!!!
Luffy: That geezer tree... does a unicorn!! (<- okay, what?)
Luffy: I cought him!!
Franky: Me too!! This one's particularly strange!!
Geezer tree: Uooohhh please leave me out!!
Luffy: Hey you!! Do you want to go with me on a pirate's cr-..
Invisible dude: .... phew, that was close...
ドク「おい!!アブサロム!!いるんだろう 今の騒ぎは何だ!!また風呂場にいたのか貴様!! 」
Doc: Hey! Absalom!! Are you there? What was that tumult just now!! Did you cretin go to the bathroom again!!
アブ「ガルル・・・ホグバック・・・花嫁探した あの女 気に入ったぜ!おいらのものにするぞ !!」
Absalom: *growl*... Hogback... I found a bride. That woman! She suits perfectly! I'll make her mine/ours!!
ドク「あれでも一応賞金首 お前には渡さん」
Doc: For that matter, she has a bounty on her head. You can't have her!
サニー号にいたオバケ「今回は6人も賞金首がいるんだ 内1人は1億超え 船長は3億だ」
The ghost which was on Sunny: This time there are six persons with bounties on them. Among them one has a bounty over NINETHOUSone hundred million, the captain is even 300 million worth.
アブ「3億・・・軽く言うがベローナ 政府が3億懸けるってのは並の海賊じゃないぜ?」
Absalom: 300 million.... You said that pretty easily, Berona. If the government gives out 300 million for him he's not just any pirate eh?
ドク「それがわかってるなら獲物の捕獲に全力を注げ・・・アブサロム 今夜は大仕事になりそうだ・・・!」
Doc: That means we'll need to go all out to catch this trophy... Absalom, seems like you'll be busy tonight...!!
Inside the mansion, second floor corridor
Usopp: There just can't be something like an Invisible Man!!
Nami: He totally was there! You must have seen when he was holding me up!?
Usopp: !! .......................... no I didn't see anything!!
Nami: You totally looked!
ウソ「それは誘導尋問だ!!お前はおれに裸を見たと言わせて 金を請求する気だ」
Usopp: That was a trick question! You wanted to get me say I saw you naked so you can claim money from me!!
ナミ「どこまで亡者だ私は!! 請求はするけど」
Nami: I could have been dead!! But you'll have to pay anyways
  「透明人間は”気のせい”ゴーストは”変な鳥”ゾンビはああいう種族・・・”地底人”だ! !」
Usopp: But me! I don't believe a single thing we ran into on this island!! The invisible man was just our imagination, that ghost - a strange bird, and the zombies were... a tribe of underground people!!
Nami: What.
ウソ「確かにおれ達は一度死んで”悪魔の実で蘇ったガイコツに会ったが!!あれは特例中の特例 ・・・!
   この世に同じ能力は2つねぇし 死者が蘇るなんて事絶対にあり得ねぇ!!!!」
Usopp: And don't forget about the skeleton that once died and came back by means of a devil's fruit we ran into!! He's the exception among exceptions...! There's no two same [devil's] powers in the world. So there's no way other dead people could come back to life!!!!!
Usopp: Right!? In that case there must be a natural explanation for those creatures!!
チョッパ「そりゃあ医学から考えても・・・全部あり得ない事でおれもその方が自然だと思う でもDrホグバ ックが栄光の人生
      を投げうって研究する程の事だから・・・もしかしてそれほどの奇跡がこの島で起きてるのかも知 れねえし」
Choppy: From medical point of view... I think so too that these things must have a natural explanation. But since Dr. Hogback threw away his glorious life to study here... maybe there's something miraculous like that about this island
ナミ「あんた あの男信用しすぎじゃない!?」
Nami: Don't you have a little too much confidence in that guy!?
Choppy: Dr. Hogback is a really great man!! I respect that!! You're being disrespectful!! There's not a single proof that the Doktor is in cahoots with the zombies!!
ナミが壁に掛かった海賊の肖像画を見ながら「・・・・・うーん確かに・・間でしかないんだけど・・・不気味 なのよね 何もかも・・
Nami: *looking at a pirate's portrait hanging at the wall* ..... okay... even if there is no definite proof... he still is pretty ominous. Maybe...
Portrait: .............
Usopp: W... why is it so dark in here?
ナミ「ここ さっきの部屋よね?」
Nami: Is this the room from earlier?
Chopper: Do..... Doktooooor!! Where are youuuu!?
Usopp: Ci.... Cindry-chaaan?
Nami: We're finished with the bath nooow...
Hildon: *hanging down from a chandelier* The two have already gone to bed...!! (<- wtf Hildon speaks so respectful)
Usopp: Gyah!! Hildon!!! How dare you dickhead leave us earlier in that graveyard!!
ヒルドン「面目ないでし 馬達と共に用を足しに行き目を離したスキに」
Hildon: I'm ashamed. I was just a bit off with the horses
ナミ「ウソばっかり!!あんた達 島中のどいつもこいつもグルなんでしょ!?」
Nami: That's nothing but a lie! You're all under the cahoots here on this island!!
Hildon: To say such a terrible thing... please, let me guide you to the guest rooms...
Usopp: Again guiding us to someplace...!?
ナミ「そこが本当の冥界への入り口かしら?せっかくだけど私達 今すぐお暇させていただくわ」
Nami: This time to the real gates of hell maybe? We're finally going to leave now
Hildon: ........
Choppy: Eee?! Wait a minute, please let me talk to the Doktor one more time!
???「オホホホ フラレたねヒルドン」
???: Ohohoho, they're giving you the cold shoulder, Hildon
Usopp: Hn?
ヒルドン「放っといて欲しいでし ちゃんと部屋へお連れしまし」
Hildon: Please leave me alone, I will guide them to their rooms
壁に掛かってる女の肖像画「もういいんじゃない?このコ達色々と気づき始めてるわよ・・・へまやって逃げら れる前に・・・」
Portrait of a woman hanging on the wall: You think that's such a good idea? These kids have noticed a many things... so before letting them stupidly escape...
Choppy: Why is.... that picture...
肖像画「帰さないわよボーヤ達ィィ!!!」 グアアアアッ!!
Portrait: We won't let you go home, kids!!!
GWAAAAH!!! (<- some soundeffect)
Chopper: Gyaaa!!!
Usopp: Uwah, Chopper!!! From out of the picture a zombie---...!!?
Chopper is caught
Nami: Chopper!!!
Chopper: Help me!!!!
A pig's taxidermy: Oink oink...
A sword that has been hanging on the wall is aimed and thrown at Usopp and sticks in the carpet on the ground
Usopp: WHOW!!
ブタ「この部屋のゾンビ部長はこの『ブヒチャック』様だ!!この部屋から一歩たりとも出られると思うな!! ブヒ!!」
Pig: The zombie boss of this room is me, the great "Buchichuck"!! (<- buhi = oink) I don't think you'll be able to make even one step out of this room!! Oink!
Usopp: The taxidermy on the wall talked!!!
Hildon: .........
???: Ow ow ow ow ouch!!
Nami: What?! The rug on the floor....!!
熊の敷き皮「誰だ 背中に剣を刺すのは!!!!」
The bear's skin on the floor: Who sticked that sword into my back!!!!!
Nami: Waaah!!
   (燭台に飛び移りながら) ソンビだらけだったんだァ!!!」
Usopp: Gyaaaaaaaaahh!! Nami was right, this mansion is....!! *while jumping from chandelier to chandelier* FULL OF ZOMBIES!!!
Nami: ............ ouch!! *pant*
The other portraits: Hey you on the chandelier, come down!! Rug-bear, knock him down! Make him fall down!!!
Usopp: Eat this, rug-thing bear!!! *throwing a candle*
敷きグマ「ベア!? ろうそくだヤベー!!あちゃちゃ!!腐れ熱ィ!!!」
Bear: Bear!? Shit a candle!! Hot hot hot!! I'll burn!!!
Portrait: Oh noes, fire!! Extinguish it!!
ウソ蝋燭をいっぱい投げつけながら「おめえらの弱点はわかってんだ!!このこのこの!!全員くらいやがれ! !」
  「危ねぇ火事になるー!! ギャアアアアア!! 日を消せー!!」
Usopp: *throwing candles* I so totally know your weakspot! Take this and this and this!! All of you!!
ウソ「チョッパー ナミ!!扉へ屋敷を出るぞ!!!」
Usopp: Chopper, Nami!! Let's get out through the door!!!
Nami: Yeah!!!
Chopper: Leaving!! Alright, alright!!
Usopp: Hurry, open it!!
Chopper: This is too much
ガチャガチャ ガチャガチャ
*clatter* *clatter*
Chopper: Nami, what are you doing?
Nami: This... *pant* *pant*
Usopp: Don't tell me...!!
Nami: It won't open!! We're locked up!!!!
Usopp: The rug-bear's comin!
Bear: How dare you...!
Usopp: Duck!! (<- probably?)
グマが壁を壊す ドカァーン!!
The bear breaks down/into the wall "Dokaaaan"
Usopp: Ah... that was close. Now anyways let's get outta here!! To another room!
Other zombie: We won't let you escape!! Waaait!!
The three of them: Uwaah this here is.... the fireplace!! There's no place to run anymore!!!
ギギイ・・どてっ・・!! 3人が寄掛かった暖炉の奥の壁が回転する
*some noises* the wall behind the fireplace was a secret revolving door
The three of them: Huh? Where's this?
ゾンビ達「おい あいつら消えたぞ!!暖炉で消えた!!しまった!!隠し通路が開いたんだ!!
      ホグバック様の研究所へ行かれていまうぞ!!追え!!だめだ向こうから扉を押えて る!!」
Zombies: Hey, they've disappeared!! They vanished inside the fireplace!! SHIT!! They must've found the secret passageway!! It's the one leading to Hogback-sama's lab!! Chase them!! It won't work, the door is blocked from the other side!!
ブヒチャック「・・・ブヒヒ慌てる事はねぇ屋敷中どこへ逃げても我らの仲間”びっくりゾンビ”がわんさかい るんだブヒ!!」
Buhichack: ... oink oink, don't get all worked up, no matter where they run to inside this mansion, it's full of our "Surprise Zombie" fellows, oink..
The three of them: *while being chased down the corridors by zombies* AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Nami: This corridor is no good!! Any place with pictures is no good!!
Usopp: Then... that room!!!
バタン!!ドザザザァー 部屋に入り扉を閉める
*SLAM* the door of the room closes
ウソ「ハァハァ うわ!!また絵・・・いや・・・写真かよかった・・・ゾンビじゃねぇな・・・ 」
Usopp: Haah, haah, whow!! Another picture... no... phew, it's just a photography... no zombies...
ナミ「これ・・・あのコじゃない・・・!?お皿が嫌いな・・・シンドリーちゃん・・・!何!? この部屋」
Nami: That... it wouldn't be that chick...!? That plate hating... Cindry-chan.....! What?! This room....??
The room is plastered with photographies of Cindry, but without stitches
The End.

Version vom 22:31, 6. Mär. 2007

Noch keine Bilder


Also, Spoiler zum neuen Skript gibt es bislang nicht übersetzt!
Aber ich kann versuchen die wichtigsten Ereignisse zusammen zu fassen:

Das Kapitel hat den Titel "Moria"

Enels Coverstory geht weiter - Vol 17 - Irgendwas bezüglich einer Laterne und "Maschinen Island"

Das Kapitel beginnt mit Nami, Lysop und Chopper, die etwas mehr über Cindy erfahren:

Cindy war eine bekannte Schauspielerin, die vor 10 Jahren gestorben ist.
Dann taucht eine Person mit einem Katana auf "Yohohohoho!! Kein Problem, ich kümmer mich um die!" (Naaa, wer könnte das wohl sein? XD)

Dann haben wir einen Szenenwechsel zum Rest der Crew, die gerade gegen eine Reihe von Geistern kämpfen (liest sich irgendwie wie "negative Medien" oder so)

Auf jeden Fall ist es wohl so, wenn man im Kampf von diesen Geistern berührt wird, so wird man pessimistisch. (lol?)
Dann taucht eine Reihe von Zombies auf, die der Strohhut-Bande hilft und die Geister mit einer Combo-Attacke besiegen:
6 Zombies führen den "600 Millionen Berry - JACKPOT!!" aus ~ wie erwähnt eine Combo-Attacke von 6 Zombies/Attacken.
Dann taucht ein alter Mann auf, der an einen Zombie erinnert (vom Optischen).
Der alte Mann hat ebenfalls keinen Schatten und dann fällt ein Name:
Gekko Moria

Gekko Moria ist einer der 7 Samurai (OMG Oda, ich liebe dich!!) und als er noch Pirat war, hatte er ein höheres Kopfgeld als Ruffy nun, so Robin (sie kennt ihn bzw der Kerl ist ihr ein Begriff.)

Ende soweit.

Persönliche Werkzeuge
  • AnimeManga Charts