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Zeile 54: Zeile 54:
Robin knows the name, and says he is/was a Shichibukai, with a former bounty higher than Luffy.<br>
Robin knows the name, and says he is/was a Shichibukai, with a former bounty higher than Luffy.<br>
<fieldset legend="Full Script von AP Forums">
Chapter 448: "Moria"
Enel's great space strategy Vol. 17: "Life flashing before the eyes - that day born on the mechanical island"
Scene with Spacey being made by a grampa doctor.
The scene continues from last week. The three are looking at the pictures of Cindry
Nami: Once she was beutiful... that servant Cindry-chan...
Usopp: Is this her own room...?
Nami: Would she decorate her own room like this with photographies of herself?
Chopper: But she did have some severe stitching scars on her face and body!
Usopp (looking at a photography of Cindry): No doubt... none of these photos have those... although it can't be a different person...
Nami: Victoria Cindry...
Chopper: Mh!?
Nami: Apparently an extremely famous stage actress. Look at all these articles about her.
Nami shows the two others a newspaper
Usopp: Stage actress??... didn't they say she has been a servant someplace before?
Nami: When you see this, you wouldn't think of such a career, nor that part about the breaking of plates and the husband who drove her out.
Nami: It's more like she was from a noble family, since her childhood on a popular perso-... eh...
Usopp: What's wrong?
Nami: Disappeared from stage... she died ten years ago in an accident
Usopp: !!!?
Usopp: EEEEEEHHH!!? Wha-wha-wha-wha-what're you saying!! Wasn't she alive just now!? She can't be dead // She came back from the dead!? (<- ??)
Chopper: .... but, if that death notice is true, that means she came back from the dead. The zombies we've seen on this island were all... revived dead!!
Usopp, walking around the room, somehow falls over
Nami: ....!! Hey there Usopp! Isn't that a treasure chest!!? $_$ (<- eyes become dollar symbols)
Chopper: Adapting quickly!!
Nami: Open it! Try to open the chest $_$
Ghost: Too baaaaad!!! The treasure isn't stored in here~!!!!
Everyone: GYAAAA~!! A jack in the box!!!
The three run away
Nami: (The treasure isn't stored here!? No doubt, that's what that zombie said...!!)
From behind the zombies who are watching the three running away, a person with a sword approaches
Zombie A: Oh, bodyguard/bouncer!
Zombie B: Ahh, it's you?
??: There are lost ones inside the mansion...!! Yohohoho!!! No problem!! I will seize them.
Meanwhile at Luffy's gang
Sanji: That's why, don't make random things your friends (nakama)!!! With a tanuki and a robot and the likes we're random enough already!!!
Franky: Hay, I'm not a robot, I'm a Cyborg, stupid bastard!!
Sanji: Well at any rate, not human anymore
Franky: The base sure is human!!
Sanji: More like the base sure is a pervert!!
Franky: Eh... aw, if you say it like that *shy* (<- liberal)
Sanji: Um, that wasn't a praise
Luffy: What might come out next~~~ It's so much fun~~~
Robin: You know, that tree-man and the unicorn from earlier...
Zorro: What is it?
Robin: What they all have in common are bandages, stitches and an engraved number.
Zorro: Numbers? ... they certainly do. You think somebody is controlling them?
Robin: Something like that.
Luffy: Hn? I can hear something!
Ghost: Negative negative
Luffy points at the ghost
The ghost multiplies
Luffy: When he dances he becomes more, so cool!!!
Ghost: Negative negative
Sanji: I got a bad feeling about this voice... *sweat*
Luffy: I'm gonna catch and keep him!!!
Luffy catches the ghost with his net, but it goes through
Franky: It's nothing but a soul... well theeeen... "FRESH FIRE"!!!
The ghost gets engulfed by the fire but no damage is taken. Instead it's laughing. The ghost goes through Franky's body
Franky: No good. This week I'm really useless.... whatever I do I'm useless, I've got no confidence in living anymore *OTZ*.... I wanna die
Sanji: Why are you getting so emo!!!
Luffy: Dammit you bastard!!
When trying to catch the ghost, Luffy touches the ghost too
Luffy: If I get reborn.... I wanna become a clam, the lowest thing of all.... I wanna die..
Sanji: Now what are you doing!? You're just the same!!
Robin: ....!? Maybe when you touch this ghost your spirit gets really down?
Zorro: ... hmph! You guys are pitiful. Usually you're so energetic and now you're letting a strange ghost or something make fun of you!!
The ghost goes throgh Zorro's body
Zorro: I'm sorry I was born.....
Everyone's recovered, the ghost is gone
Robin: Although it seems the patchwork creatures with the numbers are all together... that ghost was a completely different thing (<- form of existence)
Sanji: One of those was on the ship, too... appearing on and off, like observing us... the thing is...
Sanji: Somebody's pulling the strings here (from the background)
They arrive at the graveyard
Luffy: Whoa a vast graveyard, that's some atmosphere! Yo, let's eat our lunch boxes here
Sanji: You klutz, the food would get bad. So, let's hurry up and move.
??: Aaaahhhhhhh~...
Luffy: ?
??: AAAAAAHHHHH~~~~!!!!!
Luffy: ......
One zombie comes out of his tomb
PASH! (the zombie's shoulder get's grabbed)
He just goes back to his tomb
Zombie: Just going back, am I an oaf or what!!!
Luffy: An old man with a big wound!?
Then: From the graves the zombies rise all at the same time
Zombies: We'll show you the dangers of zombies!!! UOOOOOHHH!!!
everyone makes their battle preparations
Luffy+Zorro+Franky+Sanji+Robin: "600MILLION BELLY JACK POT"
All Zombies get swept away
After two pages of battle, all zombies sit formally before Luffy's gang
Luffy: What're you doing here?
Zombie: Well...
Zombie: ... doing zombie stuff...
Zombie: being buried,...
Zombie: rotting..
Zombie: me too
Zombies: SORRY!!
Luffy: Did a man with a long nose... an orange haired girl and... a tanuki that looked like a reindeer pass here?
Zombie: ... but we won't tell you!! We're not to give out such information to anybody
Luffy: Huhhhhmm, you won't tell anything?
Zombie: Oh!! Yeaaah, yes yes yes..
*cracking with ankles* (left out for your imagination)
Zombie: Three persons passed through!
Luffy: That's my friends. You didn't do something to them, eh?
Zombie: Ehh...!?
Zombie: Di--
Zombie: Didn't do anything!
Zombie: I did nothing to them too
Zombie: .... didn't do anything!
Luffy: Tell the truth!
Zombie: HE did something!
Zombie: WHAT!? Don't betray your friends~!!!
Zombie: We ALL attacked them
Zombie: IDIOT don't say that!
Gyaaaaah (again, imagine whose voice it is)
All zombies are skewered through their heads (<- rly?)
Luffy: Looks like they headed for that mansion there, I'm glad they're okay. Dunno about Brook though...
Sanji: would be okay too if he wasn't there, anyways *sweat*
One zombie nearby calls Luffy and the gang to halt
Zombie: Hallo!! .... p... please, guys... wait, just a moment!!
Zombie: I've just watched you. You're terribly strong! Would you please listen to me for a second?
Luffy: An old man with a big wound!?
Everyone: Again, it's a zombie!!!
Zombie: No, I'm an old man with a big wound
Everyone: So easy to confuse!! - We'll just say zombie!!
Old man: There is a man whom I wish to be beaten...!! You could really do it!! There are a many victims/sufferers... if he was beaten, they would all be rescued. If my shadow [or the shadows] were returned I [or we] would be very grateful!!
Luffy: Oh really! You too don't have a shadow, gramps, just like Brook...!!! (<- or is it together with Brook?)
Zorro: Who the hell did that. Is he on this island?
Old man: It's a man called "Moria". He is very terrible....! *shivers*
Robin: Could it be...! "Gecko Moria" by any chance...!?
Old man: Ah... yeah that's the one!!
Luffy: You know him, Robin?
Robin: .... Only by name. He's a man who's bounty even exceeds yours, Luffy....!!
Robin: Gecko Moria is one of the Shichibuka!!!
No chapter next week
By the way, isn't "gekko" also "moonlight" in Japanese? The animal "gecko" seems to be called "Yamori".

Version vom 21:45, 7. Mär. 2007

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Also, Spoiler zum neuen Skript gibt es bislang nicht übersetzt!
Aber ich kann versuchen die wichtigsten Ereignisse zusammen zu fassen:

Das Kapitel hat den Titel "Moria"

Enels Coverstory geht weiter - Vol 17 - Irgendwas bezüglich einer Laterne und "Maschinen Island"

Das Kapitel beginnt mit Nami, Lysop und Chopper, die etwas mehr über Cindy erfahren:

Cindy war eine bekannte Schauspielerin, die vor 10 Jahren gestorben ist.
Dann taucht eine Person mit einem Katana auf "Yohohohoho!! Kein Problem, ich kümmer mich um die!" (Naaa, wer könnte das wohl sein? XD)

Dann haben wir einen Szenenwechsel zum Rest der Crew, die gerade gegen eine Reihe von Geistern kämpfen (liest sich irgendwie wie "negative Medien" oder so)

Auf jeden Fall ist es wohl so, wenn man im Kampf von diesen Geistern berührt wird, so wird man pessimistisch. (lol?)
Dann taucht eine Reihe von Zombies auf, die der Strohhut-Bande hilft und die Geister mit einer Combo-Attacke besiegen:
6 Zombies führen den "600 Millionen Berry - JACKPOT!!" aus ~ wie erwähnt eine Combo-Attacke von 6 Zombies/Attacken.
Dann taucht ein alter Mann auf, der an einen Zombie erinnert (vom Optischen).
Der alte Mann hat ebenfalls keinen Schatten und dann fällt ein Name:
Gekko Moria

Gekko Moria ist einer der 7 Samurai (OMG Oda, ich liebe dich!!) und als er noch Pirat war, hatte er ein höheres Kopfgeld als Ruffy nun, so Robin (sie kennt ihn bzw der Kerl ist ihr ein Begriff.)

Ende soweit.


Alternativ von Unchipu von AP Forums

__HIDER__ <hide> Ok, inzwischen hat auch ein etwas begabterer Translator sich an den Spoiler gemacht^^
Aber sooo schlecht war ich jetzt auch nicht XD *selbst einred*

Quick trans:
Ch.448 "Moria"
Vol.17 "Revolving Lantern - Born That Day on Machine Island" (走馬灯 - is the old movie watching device, and many times is used to describe your "life flashing before your eyes.")

Scene is Nami, Usopp, Chopper

Victoria Cindry was a noblewoman, famous as a stage actress, but died in an accident 10 years ago. Inside the mansion, a guard with a katana appears. "Yohohohoho!!! No problem!! I will catch them" Scene moves to the rest of the crew.
They are fighting "Negative Ghost."
When you touch it, you become very pessimistic.
A bunch of zombies appear in the cemetary, but the six defeat them with "600 Million Beli - JACK POT!!!!" (a combination of their 6 attacks)
A badly hurt zombie-looking old man appears.
He tells them about a man he wants them to defeat.
The old man also doesn't have a shadow.
Gekko Moria is on this island.
Robin knows the name, and says he is/was a Shichibukai, with a former bounty higher than Luffy.



Full Script von AP Forums

__HIDER__ <hide> Chapter 448: "Moria"

Enel's great space strategy Vol. 17: "Life flashing before the eyes - that day born on the mechanical island"

Scene with Spacey being made by a grampa doctor.

The scene continues from last week. The three are looking at the pictures of Cindry

Nami: Once she was beutiful... that servant Cindry-chan...

Usopp: Is this her own room...?

Nami: Would she decorate her own room like this with photographies of herself?

Chopper: But she did have some severe stitching scars on her face and body!

Usopp (looking at a photography of Cindry): No doubt... none of these photos have those... although it can't be a different person...

Nami: Victoria Cindry...

Chopper: Mh!?

Nami: Apparently an extremely famous stage actress. Look at all these articles about her.

Nami shows the two others a newspaper

Usopp: Stage actress??... didn't they say she has been a servant someplace before?

Nami: When you see this, you wouldn't think of such a career, nor that part about the breaking of plates and the husband who drove her out.

Nami: It's more like she was from a noble family, since her childhood on a popular perso-... eh...

Usopp: What's wrong?

Nami: Disappeared from stage... she died ten years ago in an accident

Usopp: !!!?

Usopp: EEEEEEHHH!!? Wha-wha-wha-wha-what're you saying!! Wasn't she alive just now!? She can't be dead // She came back from the dead!? (<- ??)

Chopper: .... but, if that death notice is true, that means she came back from the dead. The zombies we've seen on this island were all... revived dead!!

Usopp, walking around the room, somehow falls over

Nami: ....!! Hey there Usopp! Isn't that a treasure chest!!? $_$ (<- eyes become dollar symbols)

Chopper: Adapting quickly!!

Nami: Open it! Try to open the chest $_$

Ghost: Too baaaaad!!! The treasure isn't stored in here~!!!!

Everyone: GYAAAA~!! A jack in the box!!!

The three run away

Nami: (The treasure isn't stored here!? No doubt, that's what that zombie said...!!)

From behind the zombies who are watching the three running away, a person with a sword approaches

Zombie A: Oh, bodyguard/bouncer!

Zombie B: Ahh, it's you?

??: There are lost ones inside the mansion...!! Yohohoho!!! No problem!! I will seize them.

Meanwhile at Luffy's gang

Sanji: That's why, don't make random things your friends (nakama)!!! With a tanuki and a robot and the likes we're random enough already!!!

Franky: Hay, I'm not a robot, I'm a Cyborg, stupid bastard!!

Sanji: Well at any rate, not human anymore

Franky: The base sure is human!!

Sanji: More like the base sure is a pervert!!

Franky: Eh... aw, if you say it like that *shy* (<- liberal)

Sanji: Um, that wasn't a praise

Luffy: What might come out next~~~ It's so much fun~~~

Robin: You know, that tree-man and the unicorn from earlier...

Zorro: What is it?

Robin: What they all have in common are bandages, stitches and an engraved number.

Zorro: Numbers? ... they certainly do. You think somebody is controlling them?

Robin: Something like that.

Luffy: Hn? I can hear something!

Ghost: Negative negative


Luffy points at the ghost

The ghost multiplies

Luffy: When he dances he becomes more, so cool!!!

Ghost: Negative negative

Sanji: I got a bad feeling about this voice... *sweat*

Luffy: I'm gonna catch and keep him!!!

Luffy catches the ghost with his net, but it goes through

Franky: It's nothing but a soul... well theeeen... "FRESH FIRE"!!!

The ghost gets engulfed by the fire but no damage is taken. Instead it's laughing. The ghost goes through Franky's body

Franky: No good. This week I'm really useless.... whatever I do I'm useless, I've got no confidence in living anymore *OTZ*.... I wanna die

Sanji: Why are you getting so emo!!!

Luffy: Dammit you bastard!!

When trying to catch the ghost, Luffy touches the ghost too

Luffy: If I get reborn.... I wanna become a clam, the lowest thing of all.... I wanna die..

Sanji: Now what are you doing!? You're just the same!!

Robin: ....!? Maybe when you touch this ghost your spirit gets really down?


Zorro: ... hmph! You guys are pitiful. Usually you're so energetic and now you're letting a strange ghost or something make fun of you!!

The ghost goes throgh Zorro's body

Zorro: I'm sorry I was born.....


Everyone's recovered, the ghost is gone

Robin: Although it seems the patchwork creatures with the numbers are all together... that ghost was a completely different thing (<- form of existence)

Sanji: One of those was on the ship, too... appearing on and off, like observing us... the thing is...

Sanji: Somebody's pulling the strings here (from the background)

They arrive at the graveyard

Luffy: Whoa a vast graveyard, that's some atmosphere! Yo, let's eat our lunch boxes here

Sanji: You klutz, the food would get bad. So, let's hurry up and move.

??: Aaaahhhhhhh~...

Luffy: ?

??: AAAAAAHHHHH~~~~!!!!!

Luffy: ......

One zombie comes out of his tomb

PASH! (the zombie's shoulder get's grabbed)

He just goes back to his tomb

Zombie: Just going back, am I an oaf or what!!!

Luffy: An old man with a big wound!?


Then: From the graves the zombies rise all at the same time

Zombies: We'll show you the dangers of zombies!!! UOOOOOHHH!!!

everyone makes their battle preparations

Luffy+Zorro+Franky+Sanji+Robin: "600MILLION BELLY JACK POT"

All Zombies get swept away

After two pages of battle, all zombies sit formally before Luffy's gang

Luffy: What're you doing here?

Zombie: Well...

Zombie: ... doing zombie stuff... Zombie: being buried,... Zombie: rotting.. Zombie: me too


Zombies: SORRY!!

Luffy: Did a man with a long nose... an orange haired girl and... a tanuki that looked like a reindeer pass here?

Zombie: ... but we won't tell you!! We're not to give out such information to anybody

Luffy: Huhhhhmm, you won't tell anything?

Zombie: Oh!! Yeaaah, yes yes yes..

  • cracking with ankles* (left out for your imagination)

Zombie: Three persons passed through!

Luffy: That's my friends. You didn't do something to them, eh?

Zombie: Ehh...!?

Zombie: Di-- Zombie: Didn't do anything! Zombie: I did nothing to them too Zombie: .... didn't do anything!

Luffy: Tell the truth!

Zombie: HE did something!

Zombie: WHAT!? Don't betray your friends~!!! Zombie: We ALL attacked them Zombie: IDIOT don't say that!

Gyaaaaah (again, imagine whose voice it is)

All zombies are skewered through their heads (<- rly?)

Luffy: Looks like they headed for that mansion there, I'm glad they're okay. Dunno about Brook though...

Sanji: would be okay too if he wasn't there, anyways *sweat*

One zombie nearby calls Luffy and the gang to halt

Zombie: Hallo!! .... p... please, guys... wait, just a moment!!

Zombie: I've just watched you. You're terribly strong! Would you please listen to me for a second?

Luffy: An old man with a big wound!?

Everyone: Again, it's a zombie!!!

Zombie: No, I'm an old man with a big wound

Everyone: So easy to confuse!! - We'll just say zombie!!

Old man: There is a man whom I wish to be beaten...!! You could really do it!! There are a many victims/sufferers... if he was beaten, they would all be rescued. If my shadow [or the shadows] were returned I [or we] would be very grateful!!

Luffy: Oh really! You too don't have a shadow, gramps, just like Brook...!!! (<- or is it together with Brook?)

Zorro: Who the hell did that. Is he on this island?

Old man: It's a man called "Moria". He is very terrible....! *shivers*

Robin: Could it be...! "Gecko Moria" by any chance...!?

Old man: Ah... yeah that's the one!!

Luffy: You know him, Robin?

Robin: .... Only by name. He's a man who's bounty even exceeds yours, Luffy....!!

Robin: Gecko Moria is one of the Shichibuka!!!

No chapter next week

By the way, isn't "gekko" also "moonlight" in Japanese? The animal "gecko" seems to be called "Yamori".



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