MediaWiki:Common.jsAus OPwiki(Unterschied zwischen Versionen)
Version vom 18:44, 23. Jul. 2024//<pre> /* Jedes JavaScript hier wird für alle Benutzer für jede Seite geladen. */ //<pre> function addonBackgroundSwitcher() { var logoimages = new Array(); logoimages[0] = ''; logoimages[1] = ''; logoimages[2] = ''; logoimages[3] = ''; logoimages[4] = ''; logoimages[5] = ''; logoimages[6] = ''; logoimages[7] = ''; logoimages[8] = ''; logoimages[9] = ''; logoimages[10] = ''; logoimages[11] = ''; logoimages[12] = ''; logoimages[13] = ''; logoimages[14] = ''; logoimages[15] = ''; logoimages[16] = ''; logoimages[17] = ''; logoimages[18] = ''; logoimages[19] = ''; logoimages[20] = ''; logoimages[21] = ''; logoimages[22] = ''; logoimages[23] = ''; logoimages[24] = ''; logoimages[25] = ''; logoimages[26] = ''; logoimages[27] = ''; logoimages[28] = ''; logoimages[29] = ''; logoimages[30] = ''; logoimages[31] = ''; logoimages[32] = ''; logoimages[33] = ''; logoimages[34] = ''; logoimages[35] = ''; logoimages[36] = ''; logoimages[37] = ''; logoimages[38] = ''; logoimages[39] = ''; logoimages[40] = ''; logoimages[41] = ''; logoimages[42] = ''; logoimages[43] = ''; logoimages[44] = ''; logoimages[45] = ''; logoimages[46] = ''; logoimages[47] = ''; logoimages[48] = ''; logoimages[49] = ''; logoimages[50] = ''; logoimages[51] = ''; logoimages[52] = ''; logoimages[53] = ''; logoimages[54] = ''; logoimages[55] = ''; logoimages[56] = ''; logoimages[57] = ''; logoimages[58] = ''; logoimages[59] = ''; logoimages[60] = ''; logoimages[61] = ''; logoimages[62] = ''; logoimages[63] = ''; logoimages[64] = ''; logoimages[65] = ''; logoimages[66] = ''; logoimages[67] = ''; logoimages[68] = ''; logoimages[69] = ''; logoimages[70] = ''; logoimages[71] = ''; logoimages[72] = ''; logoimages[73] = ''; logoimages[74] = ''; logoimages[75] = ''; logoimages[76] = ''; logoimages[77] = ''; logoimages[78] = ''; logoimages[79] = ''; logoimages[80] = ''; logoimages[81] = ''; logoimages[82] = ''; logoimages[83] = ''; logoimages[84] = ''; logoimages[85] = ''; logoimages[86] = ''; logoimages[87] = ''; logoimages[88] = ''; var currentlogo = Math.floor( Math.random() * logoimages.length ); //check for IE var rslt = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/, ''); if(rslt==null){ //not IE document.getElementById('p-logo').style.background="url('" + logoimages[currentlogo] + "') no-repeat left top"; document.getElementById('gamesworld').style.background="url('') no-repeat"; } else{ // IE document.getElementById('p-logo').style.background="none"; document.getElementById('gamesworld').style.background="none"; document.getElementById('p-logo').style.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+logoimages[currentlogo]+"', sizingMethod='crop')"; document.getElementById('gamesworld').style.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='', sizingMethod='crop')"; } document.getElementById('p-logo').style.display="inline"; doneOnloadHook = true; } addOnloadHook(addonBackgroundSwitcher); //for IE to cache background images try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch(err) {} function horizont_scroll(i) { if(!i){ i=0; doneOnloadHook = true;} i=i+1; if(i>1601) i=1; var val=""+i+"px 0px"; setTimeout("horizont_scroll("+i+")",100); } //addOnloadHook(horizont_scroll); /** Toggles the display of elements on a page Author/contact: Austin Che */ // indexed array of toggler ids to array of associated toggle operations // each operation is a two element array, the first being the type, the second a class name or array of elements // operation types are strings like "_reset" or "" for the default toggle operation var togglers = new Array(); var allClasses = new Object(); // associative map of class names to page elements function toggler(id) { var toBeToggled = togglers[id]; if (!toBeToggled) return; // if some element is in list more than once, it will be toggled multiple times for (var i = 0; i < toBeToggled.length; i++) { // get array of elements to operate on var toggles = toBeToggled[i][1]; if (typeof(toggles) == "string") { if (toggles.charAt(0) == '-') { // treat as an element ID, not as class toggles = document.getElementById(toggles.substring(1)); if (toggles) toggles = new Array(toggles); } else toggles = allClasses[toggles]; } if (!toggles || !toggles.length) continue; var op = toBeToggled[i][0]; // what the operation will be switch (op) { case "_reset": for (var j in toggles) toggles[j].style.display = toggles[j]._toggle_original_display; break; case "_show": for (var j in toggles) toggles[j].style.display = ''; break; case "_hide": for (var j in toggles) toggles[j].style.display = 'none'; break; case "": default: // Toggle for (var j in toggles) toggles[j].style.display = ((toggles[j].style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none'); break; } } } function createTogglerLink(toggler, id) { var toggle = document.createElement("a"); toggle.className = 'toggler-link'; toggle.setAttribute('id', 'toggler' + id); toggle.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:toggler("' + id + '");'); var child = toggler.firstChild; toggler.removeChild(child); toggle.appendChild(child); toggler.insertBefore(toggle, toggler.firstChild); } function toggleInit() { var togglerElems = new Array(); var toggleGroup = new Array(); // make list of all document classes var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var numelems = elems.length; for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; if (!elem.className) continue; elem._toggle_original_display =; var togglerID = -1; var elemClasses = elem.className.split(' '); // get list of classes for (var j = 0; j < elemClasses.length; j++) { var elemClass = elemClasses[j]; if (! allClasses[elemClass]) allClasses[elemClass] = new Array(); allClasses[elemClass].push(elem); // all the special classes begin with _toggle if (elemClass.substring(0, 7) != "_toggle") continue; if (elemClass == "_togglegroup") toggleGroup = new Array(); else if (elemClass == "_toggle") toggleGroup.push(elem); else if (elemClass.substring(0, 12) == "_toggle_init") { // set initial value for display (ignore the original CSS set value) // understands _toggle_initshow and _toggle_inithide var disp = elemClass.substring(12); if (disp == "show") = ''; else if (disp == "hide") = 'none'; elem._toggle_original_display = disp; } else if (elemClass.substring(0, 8) == "_toggler") { if (togglerID == -1) { togglerID = togglers.length; togglers[togglerID] = new Array(); togglerElems[togglerID] = elem; } // all classes are of form _toggler_op-CLASS // figure out what class we're toggling // if none is specified, then we use the current toggle group var toBeToggled; var hyphen = elemClass.indexOf('-'); if (hyphen != -1) toBeToggled = elemClass.substring(hyphen+1); else { toBeToggled = toggleGroup; hyphen = elemClass.length; } var op = elemClass.substring(8, hyphen); togglers[togglerID].push(new Array(op, toBeToggled)); } } } // add javascript links to all toggler elements for (var i = 0; i < togglerElems.length; i++) createTogglerLink(togglerElems[i], i); } addOnloadHook(toggleInit); function unToggle() { var path=window.location.href; var parts=path.split("#"); if(parts.length > 1) { path=parts[parts.length-1]; parts=path.split(".23"); var untogglerGroup = new Array(); var untogglerClass = new Array(); // make list of all document classes var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var numelems = elems.length; for (var c=0; c < parts.length; c++) { for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; if (!elem.className) continue; var elemClasses = elem.className.split(' '); // get list of classes for (var j = 0; j < elemClasses.length; j++) { var elemClass=elemClasses[j]; if (elemClass != parts[c]) continue; else { untogglerGroup.push(elem); untogglerClass.push(elemClass); } } } } // add javascript links to all toggler elements for (var i = 0; i < untogglerGroup.length; i++) { untogglerGroup[i].style.display = ''; } } } addOnloadHook(unToggle); function autoRedirect() { var re = document.getElementById("bodyContent").getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var i=0;i<re.length;i++) { var div = re[i]; var text = div.innerHTML.replace(/(?:(?:^|\n)\s+|\s+(?:$|\n))/g,'').replace(/\s+/g,' ').substring(0,16); if(text=="<ol><li>REDIRECT") { window.location.href = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href; } } } addOnloadHook(autoRedirect); function addFlagged2Nav() { if(!(!wgUserGroups) && wgUserGroups.indexOf("team")!= -1) { var nav= document.getElementById("p-navigation").children[1].children[0]; var li=document.createElement("li"); var a =document.createElement("a") a.innerHTML="Änderungen sichten"; a.href="/wiki/Spezial:Seiten_mit_ungesichteten_Versionen"; li.appendChild(a); nav.insertBefore(li, nav.children[3]); var lii=document.createElement("li"); var aa=document.createElement("a") aa.innerHTML="Neue Seiten sichten"; aa.href="/wiki/Spezial:Ungesichtete_Seiten"; lii.appendChild(aa); nav.insertBefore(lii, nav.children[3]); } } addOnloadHook(addFlagged2Nav); /* Cookies Wird das Wiki von Tablet oder Smartphone besucht, erfolgt auf Wunsch eine Umleitung zur mobilen Version. Die Entscheidung des Benutzers soll dann für die Zukunft in einem Cookie gespeichert werden. */ function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays); var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString()); document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value; } function getCookie(c_name) { var c_value = document.cookie; var c_start = c_value.indexOf(" " + c_name + "="); if (c_start == -1) { c_start = c_value.indexOf(c_name + "="); } if (c_start == -1) { c_value = null; } else { c_start = c_value.indexOf("=", c_start) + 1; var c_end = c_value.indexOf(";", c_start); if (c_end == -1) { c_end = c_value.length; } c_value = unescape(c_value.substring(c_start,c_end)); } return c_value; } //</pre> |