Zeile 14:
Zeile 14:
- <fieldset legend="Kapitel 453 - A sometimes cloudy bone (Skript: Himajin, Short-Trans: s23a">
+ <fieldset legend="Kapitel 453 - A sometimes cloudy bone (Skript: Himajin, Translation : Rockschmock) ">
- Here's a cliff notes version of the script.<br>
+ ワンピース詳細文字バレ<br>
+ One Piece full script leak<br>
+ 第453話 くもり時々ホネ<br>
+ Chapter 453: Cloudy, partly bones<br>
+ [^ a weather forecast reference] <br>
- Chapter 453: A sometimes cloudy bone<br>
+ エネルのスペース大作戦 Vol.21「いざ、月へ!!」<br>
+ Enel's Great Space Strategy Vol.21 : "Well, to the moon!!"<br>
+ スペイシー達が風船で月へ向う<br>
+ The Spaceys face approac the moon by balloons <br>
- Scene opens in Perona's wonder garden.<br>
+ 舞台はペローナの不思議庭から<br>
+ The scene continues in Perona's Wonder Garden<br>
+ ゾンビA「おい!!どういうつもりだ新入り!!」<br>
+ Zombie A: Hey!! What're you up to, newbie!!<br>
+ ゾンビB「おれ達ゾンビはご主人様の命令には絶対逆らえねェ体なハズなのに!!」<br>
+ Zombie B: It's physically impossible for us zombies to oppose Master's orders!!<br>
+ ゾンビC「こいつ・・・なんで逆らえるんだ!?」 ゾンビD「しかも将軍級に強ェ・・・・!! 」<br>
+ Zombie C: Why... is he able to oppose the order!?<br>
+ Zombie D: Furthermore, he's as strong as the Generals... .!! <br>
- Zombie A: Hey! What are you doing new guy?<br>
+ 辺りは死屍累々 <br>
- Zombie B: We zombies are made to not go against the master's commands!<br>
+ The corpses gather all around (or pile up?) <br>
- Zombie C: Why is he able go against the commands!?<br>
+ 犬ペンギン(以下 犬ペン)「常識では測れねェ力・・・不可能を可能にする力・・・!!!全てを吹き飛ばす 、そのハリケーンの名は・・・」 <br>
- Zombie D: And he's pretty strong!<br>
+ Dog penguin (from now on "dogpen") : The power, that can 't be measured by common sense... the power that makes the impossible possible...! !! The name of that hurricane, that blows everything over, is <br>
- Dog-Penguin (DogPen): Common sense cant measure this strength.....The impossible becomes possible with this strength..........It blows everything away, the name of this hurricane is.......................... LOVE!!!<br>
+ 犬ペン「恋!!!」<br>
+ Dogpen : LOVE!!!<br>
- Absalom and Lola come along<br>
+ ナミ「やっぱりあの犬ペンギン言ってる事がバカみたいで、ほぼサンジ君・・・!!」<br>
+ Nami: That dog penguin's talk sounds almost exactly like Sanji-kun....!!<br>
+ ウソップ「おい犬ペン!!サンジの事知ってんのか!?おれ達ゃサンジのマブだから助け・・・」<br>
+ Usopp: Hey, Dogpen!! Do you know about Sanji!? Did that Sanji loverboy come to resc--- [<- that's not 100% correct, meh]<br>
+ 犬ペン「ゴチャゴチャクソうるせェ海賊共ォ!!!」<br>
+ Dogpen: Shut the fucking shit up, you pirates!!!<br>
+ ウソップ「うわァ!!やっぱおれ達には敵なんだ!!!」<br>
+ Usopp: Uwah!! He's our enemy after all!!! <br>
- Lola sees Nami, and attacks her, DogPen steps in front of it and protects Nami. Ussop and Chopper are scrambling around with the zombies.<br>
+ アブロサム「待て~~~!!」<br>
+ Absalom: Waaaait!!<br>
+ チョッパー「遠くから声がするぞ!!今度は何なんだ!?」<br>
+ Chopper: I can hear a voice from a distance!! What's it this time!?<br>
+ アブロサム「待てローラ~~~~っ!!!」<br>
+ Absalom: Wait , Lolaa~~~!!! [<- I noticed people using "Laura" , but for now I'll stick with "Lola"]<br>
+ ローラ「捕まえてごらんなさい(はぁと)ウフフフ!!ウフフ!!!」<br>
+ Lola: Please try to catch me <3 teheehee!! Teehee!!!<br>
+ ウソップ「猪!!?」<br>
+ Usopp: A hog!!?<br>
+ ローラ「見つけたわよ!!!そこの女ァ!!!この泥棒泥棒ネコめがァア!!!」<br>
+ Lola: I found her!!! That woman over there!!! That fucking thief cat!!!<br>
+ ナミ「ま・・・まだ何も盗んでないけど!!!」<br>
+ Nami: Bu. .. but I haven't stolen anything yet!!! <br>
- DogPen: No, that lady is being targeted. Why am I so intent on protecting that lady? And my body doesnt move the way I want it to. This body is too weak...!!!<br>
+ ローラ攻撃<br>
+ Lola attacks<br>
+ 犬ペン「このレディに手を出すな!!!」<br>
+ Dogpen : Don't lay a finger on this lady!!!<br>
+ ローラの攻撃を犬ペン、足で弾く<br>
+ The dogpen receives Lola's attack, hitting with the leg <br>
- Lola continues to chase around the three as they try and run away.<br>
+ 犬ペン、ローラの攻撃で飛ばされる<br>
+ Lola blasts the dogpen off<br>
+ ナミ「ウソップ、チョッパー!!!助けて――っ!!!」<br>
+ Nami: Usopp, Chopper!! Heeeelp!!!<br>
+ アブサロム「花嫁は戴いた!!!さァ今すぐ式を挙げるぞ!!!もう準備はできてるんだ」<br>
+ Absalom: I got my bride!!! Okay, then let's have the ceremony immediately!!! I already made the preparations! <br>
- Absalom tells the zombies to hold off from chasing after the three. They reject him, saying theyre Perona's zombies and not his. Absalom reminds them that they should never piss him off, and the zombies become quiet.<br>
+ チョッパー「えェ!?ナミが飛んでる!!スゲー!!」<br>
+ Chopper: EH!? Nami's flying!! AWESOME!!<br>
+ ナミ「違う!!さらわれてんのよ!!!離せ!!あんたね、お風呂場にいた透明人間!!」<br>
+ Nami: No!! I recognise you!!! Let go!! You're the invisible man who was in the bathroom , right!!?<br>
+ アブサロム「おいらの名はアブサロム!!夫となる者の名だ、覚えておけ!!」<br>
+ Absalom: My name is Absalom!! It 's the name of your future husband, so remember it!!<br>
+ ナミ「人の裸じっくり見といて偉そうに、私の体は何も変態野獣の為日々磨いてるわけじゃないっ ての」<br>
+ Nami: I don't keep my body in shape everyday for some perverted beast who smugly peeps on naked people! <br>
- DogPen stands in front of Absalom.<br>
- DogPen: I wont let you chase after that lady.<br>
- Absalom: ..............<br>
- He aims his arm at DogPen, and a weird substance or thing shoots at DogPen. A big explosion takes place, the zombies are all startled. DogPen is passed out, and his eyes are rolled back. Lola continues to chase around the three.<br>
+ ナミ「サンダーチャージ!!!」<br>
+ Nami: "Thunder Charge"!!!<br>
+ アブサロム「ぐおあアア!!!」<br>
+ Absalom: Goaaaah!!! <br>
- Scene changes to Robin and Franky<br>
+ アブサロムの手からナミが離れ三人はゾンビの居ない方向へ逃げる<br>
+ Absalom let's Nami go, the three run into a direction where there are no zombies <br>
- They double team the spider-monkey Talalan.<br>
+ アブロサム(何だ・・・この体中を迸る衝撃・・・!!・・・まるで突如雷に打たれたかの様な・・・これが・ ・・)<br>
+ Absalom: (What's that... this shock that shook my whole body...!! ... it's as if I got struck by a sudden bolt of lightning.... is that... .<br>
- Blah blah, seems like Franky breaks the bridge, they are free falling.<br>
+ アブロサム「 恋!!? 」<br>
+ Abslom: Love!!?<br>
+ ローラ「逃がさないわよ!!!この泥棒ネコ!!!」<br>
+ Lola: I won't let you escape!!! You fucking thief cat!!! <br>
- Robin and Franky work together to get back up to a part of the bridge while in mid-air. Robin makes wings with many arms and flies for five seconds. Franky then does a strong right to boost them up.<br>
+ 犬ペン「・・・いかん!!あのレディが狙われちまう・・・しかしおれはなぜあの娘を守ろうとするんだ・・・ ・!?<br>
+ ―それに体も思った様に動かねェ!!肉体が・・・弱すぎる・・・・!!!」<br>
+ Dogpen: ... it's no use!!! That lady is getting aimed on... but why am I protecting her....!?<br>
+ Dogpen: ___ ゾンビ達「急いで3人を捕まえろ!!」<br>
+ Zombies: Hurry, get those three!!<br>
+ アブサロム「動物ゾンビ共!!待て!!あの女には手を触れるな!!!」<br>
+ Absalom: Wild Zombies!! Wait!! Don't harm a hair on her head!!!<br>
+ ゾンビ達「うるせー!!このエロサロム!!」<br>
+ 「おれ達動物ゾンビはご主人様の命によってペローナ様の部下になったんだ!!お前の管轄じゃねェ! !」<br>
+ Zombies: Shuddup!! Friggin Pervsalom!!<br>
+ Zombies: Us Wild Zombies became Lady Perona's subordinates on Master's command!! You're not our commander!! <br>
- Franky: We have to somehow get to that entrance to chase after strawhat!<br>
+ アブサロム「待てと言ってんだよ!!!!」<br>
+ Absalom : I said wait!! !<br>
- They get back to a part of the bridge.<br>
+ と、威嚇 <br>
- Robin: What is that?<br>
+ アブサロム「お前らがペローナの支配下にある事くらいわかってる <br>
- Franky: Huh? Something, no someone is falling from the sky!<br>
+ ―だが、それ以前においらを怒らせちゃならねェ事も分かってる筈だ<br>
- Brook: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Booooooooonnnnneeeeee!!!! Only bones!!!!!!<br>
+ 生意気な口は程ほどにしておけ・・・・!!!」<br>
+ Absalom : You understand as much as being under Perona's control<br>
+ But before that , you should understand that you shouldn't anger me. <br>
+ So keep your cheekiness within limits.... !!!<br>
- Brook crashes onto the bridge.<br>
+ 震えるゾンビ達<br>
+ The zombies tremble <br>
- End.<br>
+ 犬ペンがアブサロムの前にたちふさがる<br>
+ The dogpen stands up in Absalom's way<br>
+ 犬ペン「・・・あのレディは追わせねェ・・・!!」<br>
+ Dogpen: .... I won't let you go after that lady....!!<br>
+ アブサロム「・・・・・」<br>
+ Absalom: ......<br>
+ アブサロム、腕を犬ペンに向ける。そして何か変なの放つ<br>
+ Absalom aims with his hand to the dogpen. Then something strange gets released<br>
+ ドゴォ・・・ン!!!<br>
+ DOGOOOhh....nNN!!!<br>
+ ゾンビ達「どわ!!!」「ぎゃあああああ」<br>
+ Zombies: dowah!!!<br>
+ Zombies: Gyaaah!<br>
+ 犬ペン失神(白目むいてます)<br>
+ The dogpen faints (his eyes get white)<br>
+ ナミ達は、相変わらずローラに追いかけられてます<br>
+ Nami and the others get chased, as usual, by Lola<br>
+ ウソップ「おいナミ、狙われてんのお前ばっかだな・・・・!!二手に別れて逃げねェか?」<br>
+ Usopp: Hey Nami, I think she's only going after you....!! Can we split up into two groups then?<br>
+ ナミ「囮かっ!!!薄情者」<br>
+ Nami: Me as bait!?! You're heartless!<br>
+ ローラ「待ァ~~~~てェ~~~~~!!!」<br>
+ Lola: Waaaaiiiiiit!!!<br>
+ チョッパー「イノシシこえー!!!」<br>
+ Chopper: That hog is scaryy!!!<br>
+ 舞台はロビン達へ<br>
+ The scene goes down to Robin & co<br>
+ タララン「まさかあの3人共さっきの麦わらみてェにあの壁に吸い込まれちまったのか!?<br>
+ モーンキモンキー♪あっあっあっあっ、お前達も直にそうなる<br>
+ 前も後ろも不死身のゾンビ!!観念しろ!!」<br>
+ Tallaran: You mean those three who looked like Strawhats were swallowed by that wall!? [<- ....??]<br>
+ Monkey monkey ♪ ahhahhahhahha, it's gonna be the same procedure for you now!<br>
+ Behind and ahead are both immortal zombies!! Brace yourselves!!<br>
+ フランキー「アホグモだかアホザルだか知らねェが、島の入り口でサニー号を絡め捕ったでけェクモの巣はおめ ェの仕業だな」<br>
+ Franky: Dunno if you're a dumbass spider or a dumbass monkey, but that huge spider web that got Sunny trapped at the entrance of the island, that was your deed!<br>
+ タララン「あっあっあっ!!お前達の行動などペローナ様のゴーストネットワークによって全て筒 抜けだ!!」<br>
+ Tallaran: Ahhahhah!! All of your actions and so on were revealed by Lady Perona's Ghost Network!!<br>
+ ロビン「―その大きな耳も情報力の一端かしら。よく聞こえそうな耳ね・・・」<br>
+ Robin: And your big ears are probably pretty good for intelligence work too. You seem to able to hear good with those ears, ne...<br>
+ タララン「え?・・・なに?」<br>
+ Tallaran: Eh? ... what?<br>
+ フランキー「見せかけかよ!!!」<br>
+ Franky: You're just pretending!?! [<- ...?]<br>
+ 後方からじりじり迫るゾンビ達<br>
+ The zombies are slowly approaching from behind<br>
+ ロビン「!」<br>
+ Robin: !<br>
+ フランキー「状況は最悪・・・!!八方塞がりとはこの事だ。早急な対策を要するが・・・・おれに任せるか? 」<br>
+ Franky: The situation is the worst...!! We're blocked in every direction. We gotta do some thing quick... will you leave it to me?<br>
+ ロビン「・・・お好きにどうぞ。対応してみるわ」<br>
+ Robin: ... avec plaisir. I'll try to conform with it<br>
+ フランキー「へへ・・・頼もしいじゃないの。じゃ、行くぞ"風・来・"・・・・」<br>
+ Franky: Hehe... now isn't that promising? Okay then, let's crack some asses: "Coup de"....<br>
+ フランキー「 砲!!!!! 」<br>
+ Franky: "VENT"!!!<br>
+ フランキー、橋壊す<br>
+ Franky breaks the bridge<br>
+ タララン「んんんぬァアにィイイイ!!?お前!!!渡り廊下をォオ~~~!!!」<br>
+ Tallaran: Mmmnwwhhuuoooaaaattt!?!! YOU!!! Broke the~!!!<br>
+ 全員落下<br>
+ Everybody drops down (all the zombies I suppose)<br>
+ フランキー「―まァ、こういうわけだ」<br>
+ Franky: See, THAT's how it's done<br>
+ ロビン「乱暴な人ね」<br>
+ Robin: You're a pretty rough/unreasonable person, ne<br>
+ [^ This just in: Franky + Robin = OTP]<br>
+ 落下しながらロビン<br>
+ While falling down Robin..<br>
+ ロビン「百花繚乱!!」<br>
+ Robin: "Cien fleur"!!<br>
+ 腕沢山出して羽を作ります<br>
+ She's sprouting so many arms they become wings<br>
+ フランキー「お前・・・空を飛べるのか!!?」<br>
+ Franky: You... can fly into the sky!!?<br>
+ ロビン「5秒程(汗)」 フランキー「短ェ!!!だが十分だ・・・!!!ストロング右!!!」<br>
+ Robin: Only five seconds.. *sweat*<br>
+ Franky: SO SHORT!!! But 10 minutes...!!! Strong Right!!!<br>
+ 伸ばした手で渡り廊下の先を掴みます<br>
+ He grabs the edge of the passage way with his extended hand<br>
+ フランキー「何とかあの入り口へ行けば麦わらを追える」<br>
+ Franky: If we got into that entrance we could go after Strawhat<br>
+ ロビン「うっ・・・ごめんなさい、もうダメ・・・・!!」<br>
+ Robin: Uh.... I'm sory, I can't anymore....!!<br>
+ フランキー「ウオ!!戻れ腕っ!!!」<br>
+ Franky: UWOH!! The arms go back!!!<br>
+ 何とか向こうに着いた二人<br>
+ They both somehow get to the other side<br>
+ ロビン「何!?あれは」<br>
+ Robin: What is that?!<br>
+ フランキー「ん??空から何か・・・いや誰か!!!降ってくる!!!」<br>
+ Franky: Huh?? From the sky something's... no, somebody!!! He's falling down!!!<br>
+ ブルック「ああああああああああ!!!!ボォ―――ン!!!骨だけに~~~~!!!!」<br>
+ Brook: AAAAAAAAAH!!!!<br>
+ SFX: BOOOOOONE [<- in place of "DOOOON"]<br>
+ Brook: "Booooone"!!!<br>
+ Brook: As expected from a skeleton!!<br>
+ 中庭に落ちるブルック<br>
+ Brook falls to the courtyard<br>
+ 来週終わり<br>
+ End for this week <br>
Kapitel 453 - A sometimes cloudy bone (Skript: Himajin, Translation: Rockschmock)
One Piece full script leak
第453話 くもり時々ホネ
Chapter 453: Cloudy, partly bones
[^ a weather forecast reference]
エネルのスペース大作戦 Vol.21「いざ、月へ!!」
Enel's Great Space Strategy Vol.21: "Well, to the moon!!"
The Spaceys face approac the moon by balloons
The scene continues in Perona's Wonder Garden
Zombie A: Hey!! What're you up to, newbie!!
Zombie B: It's physically impossible for us zombies to oppose Master's orders!!
ゾンビC「こいつ・・・なんで逆らえるんだ!?」 ゾンビD「しかも将軍級に強ェ・・・・!! 」
Zombie C: Why... is he able to oppose the order!?
Zombie D: Furthermore, he's as strong as the Generals....!!
The corpses gather all around (or pile up?)
犬ペンギン(以下 犬ペン)「常識では測れねェ力・・・不可能を可能にする力・・・!!!全てを吹き飛ばす 、そのハリケーンの名は・・・」
Dog penguin (from now on "dogpen"): The power, that can't be measured by common sense... the power that makes the impossible possible...!!! The name of that hurricane, that blows everything over, is
Dogpen: LOVE!!!
Nami: That dog penguin's talk sounds almost exactly like Sanji-kun....!!
Usopp: Hey, Dogpen!! Do you know about Sanji!? Did that Sanji loverboy come to resc--- [<- that's not 100% correct, meh]
Dogpen: Shut the fucking shit up, you pirates!!!
Usopp: Uwah!! He's our enemy after all!!!
Absalom: Waaaait!!
Chopper: I can hear a voice from a distance!! What's it this time!?
Absalom: Wait, Lolaa~~~!!! [<- I noticed people using "Laura", but for now I'll stick with "Lola"]
Lola: Please try to catch me <3 teheehee!! Teehee!!!
Usopp: A hog!!?
Lola: I found her!!! That woman over there!!! That fucking thief cat!!!
Nami: Bu... but I haven't stolen anything yet!!!
Lola attacks
Dogpen: Don't lay a finger on this lady!!!
The dogpen receives Lola's attack, hitting with the leg
Lola blasts the dogpen off
Nami: Usopp, Chopper!! Heeeelp!!!
Absalom: I got my bride!!! Okay, then let's have the ceremony immediately!!! I already made the preparations!
Chopper: EH!? Nami's flying!! AWESOME!!
Nami: No!! I recognise you!!! Let go!! You're the invisible man who was in the bathroom, right!!?
Absalom: My name is Absalom!! It's the name of your future husband, so remember it!!
ナミ「人の裸じっくり見といて偉そうに、私の体は何も変態野獣の為日々磨いてるわけじゃないっ ての」
Nami: I don't keep my body in shape everyday for some perverted beast who smugly peeps on naked people!
Nami: "Thunder Charge"!!!
Absalom: Goaaaah!!!
Absalom let's Nami go, the three run into a direction where there are no zombies
アブロサム(何だ・・・この体中を迸る衝撃・・・!!・・・まるで突如雷に打たれたかの様な・・・これが・ ・・)
Absalom: (What's that... this shock that shook my whole body...!! ... it's as if I got struck by a sudden bolt of lightning.... is that....
アブロサム「 恋!!? 」
Abslom: Love!!?
Lola: I won't let you escape!!! You fucking thief cat!!!
犬ペン「・・・いかん!!あのレディが狙われちまう・・・しかしおれはなぜあの娘を守ろうとするんだ・・・ ・!?
Dogpen: ... it's no use!!! That lady is getting aimed on... but why am I protecting her....!?
Dogpen: ___ ゾンビ達「急いで3人を捕まえろ!!」
Zombies: Hurry, get those three!!
Absalom: Wild Zombies!! Wait!! Don't harm a hair on her head!!!
「おれ達動物ゾンビはご主人様の命によってペローナ様の部下になったんだ!!お前の管轄じゃねェ! !」
Zombies: Shuddup!! Friggin Pervsalom!!
Zombies: Us Wild Zombies became Lady Perona's subordinates on Master's command!! You're not our commander!!
Absalom: I said wait!!!
Absalom: You understand as much as being under Perona's control
But before that, you should understand that you shouldn't anger me.
So keep your cheekiness within limits....!!!
The zombies tremble
The dogpen stands up in Absalom's way
Dogpen: .... I won't let you go after that lady....!!
Absalom: ......
Absalom aims with his hand to the dogpen. Then something strange gets released
Zombies: dowah!!!
Zombies: Gyaaah!
The dogpen faints (his eyes get white)
Nami and the others get chased, as usual, by Lola
Usopp: Hey Nami, I think she's only going after you....!! Can we split up into two groups then?
Nami: Me as bait!?! You're heartless!
Lola: Waaaaiiiiiit!!!
Chopper: That hog is scaryy!!!
The scene goes down to Robin & co
Tallaran: You mean those three who looked like Strawhats were swallowed by that wall!? [<- ....??]
Monkey monkey ♪ ahhahhahhahha, it's gonna be the same procedure for you now!
Behind and ahead are both immortal zombies!! Brace yourselves!!
フランキー「アホグモだかアホザルだか知らねェが、島の入り口でサニー号を絡め捕ったでけェクモの巣はおめ ェの仕業だな」
Franky: Dunno if you're a dumbass spider or a dumbass monkey, but that huge spider web that got Sunny trapped at the entrance of the island, that was your deed!
タララン「あっあっあっ!!お前達の行動などペローナ様のゴーストネットワークによって全て筒 抜けだ!!」
Tallaran: Ahhahhah!! All of your actions and so on were revealed by Lady Perona's Ghost Network!!
Robin: And your big ears are probably pretty good for intelligence work too. You seem to able to hear good with those ears, ne...
Tallaran: Eh? ... what?
Franky: You're just pretending!?! [<- ...?]
The zombies are slowly approaching from behind
Robin: !
フランキー「状況は最悪・・・!!八方塞がりとはこの事だ。早急な対策を要するが・・・・おれに任せるか? 」
Franky: The situation is the worst...!! We're blocked in every direction. We gotta do some thing quick... will you leave it to me?
Robin: ... avec plaisir. I'll try to conform with it
Franky: Hehe... now isn't that promising? Okay then, let's crack some asses: "Coup de"....
フランキー「 砲!!!!! 」
Franky: "VENT"!!!
Franky breaks the bridge
Tallaran: Mmmnwwhhuuoooaaaattt!?!! YOU!!! Broke the~!!!
Everybody drops down (all the zombies I suppose)
Franky: See, THAT's how it's done
Robin: You're a pretty rough/unreasonable person, ne
[^ This just in: Franky + Robin = OTP]
While falling down Robin..
Robin: "Cien fleur"!!
She's sprouting so many arms they become wings
Franky: You... can fly into the sky!!?
ロビン「5秒程(汗)」 フランキー「短ェ!!!だが十分だ・・・!!!ストロング右!!!」
Robin: Only five seconds.. *sweat*
Franky: SO SHORT!!! But 10 minutes...!!! Strong Right!!!
He grabs the edge of the passage way with his extended hand
Franky: If we got into that entrance we could go after Strawhat
Robin: Uh.... I'm sory, I can't anymore....!!
Franky: UWOH!! The arms go back!!!
They both somehow get to the other side
Robin: What is that?!
Franky: Huh?? From the sky something's... no, somebody!!! He's falling down!!!
SFX: BOOOOOONE [<- in place of "DOOOON"]
Brook: "Booooone"!!!
Brook: As expected from a skeleton!!
Brook falls to the courtyard
End for this week