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<fieldset legend="Hinweise">
<fieldset legend="Kapitel 454 "Humming", thax an Rockschmock wie jede Woche">
Usopp: Stop it, please! Don't kill her!! We're comrades!!! <br>
Usopp: Nami, quick! Run awaaay!!! <br>
Chops: You bastard! You bastard! Stop iiit!!! <br>
Laura: It's me who'll get Absalom as groom!!! <br>
Laura: Get lost!! <br>
Usocho: Gyaah!!! <br>
Nami: (pant) <br>
Ow!! <br>
Laura: Alright<br>
Nami: (pant) (pant) <br>
Laura: Prepare to diiie!!! <br>
Nami: Wait a moment!! I'm...! <br>!
Nami: (pant) <br>
I'm !!! <br>
Actually a "man" !! [<- Nami even used male particles too] <br>
Laura: EEEEHHH!!? <br>
Chops: EEEEEEEHHH!!? <br>
Usopp: Oi, oi.. <br>
Laura: Re... really? <br>
Nami: Re... really!! I'm a trap!! I'm not fucking with you!! [<- and now she's making it sound more gay I think...] <br>
Nami: Plus, <br>
Nami: You and that beast man really fit together! I'd like to support that!!! <br>
Laura: EH!? Really!? <br>
Nami: Really! I'm not fucking with you!! <br>
Laura: ..... until now, I haven't been supported a single time before<br>
Laura: you're the first one to have ever directed such gentle words to me...!! <br>
Nami: Chin up, my friend! <br>
Nami: That's what they call friendship! I'm "Namizô", but you can call me Nami. <br>
Laura: F... Friendship... <br>
Nami sfx: *smile*<br>
Usopp: ....... she brought her to heel<br>
Nami: So, when he's conscious of course he won't give you his sign! <br>
Nami: But you know, when he's asleep.. <br>
Laura: Attack him in his sleep!? Is that alright!? I wouldn't do that even as a human!! <br>
Nami: Laura, aren't you a zombie? <br>
Laura: But! There's this rotting issue..! <br>
Nami: When he's not sleeping, there's plenty of time if you knock him unconscious. <br>
Usopp: Hey Namizô, aren't we going to run away after all? <br>
[^ I didn't get this conversation all that right... probably because it uncannily makes me think of necrophilia and rape] <br>
Nami: By the way, Laura... I lost something in the treasure vault... I'd like to get back there but<br>
Nami: I wonder where it's been again, could you tell me the direction? <br>
Laura: How silly of you, but it's okay! So, when you're at Lady Perona's room it's very close<br>
Usopp: Even though she really fell for it, she doesn't get it by now [<- too liberal, sorry] <br>
Chops: (So Nami was a man after all...) <br>
Chops: .... <br>
(no wonder she appeared to be so masculine!) <br>
[And I thought Chopper was a *good* doctor... orz] <br>
Usopp: !! <br>
Usopp: Hey Nami! HE caught up with us! <br>
Nami: Really!? <br>
Nami: Laura!! Chance to attack!! <br>
Nami: It'll be okay since I won't see him again!! <br>
Nami: You can do it!! You two are the best couple!! <br>
Laura: I can do it!!! Thank you, Nami! You gave me courage!!! <br>
Laura: Absaloooooom!!! <br>
Abs: WHOOOW!!! Laura!!! <br>
Nami: You two, now's the time!! <br>
Chops: You dealt with the hog without doing anything after all!!! <br>
Chops: Nami, you're greeaat! <br>
Nami: Wasn't she a well-behaved good girl, if you'd just try to talk with her? <br>
Usopp: But your eyes became strange!!! <br>
Box: In Thriller Bark, Thousand Sunny<br>
Perona: There's not a single treasure chest<br>
Perona: on this ship!? <br>
Zombie: There were chests, but they were empty... <br>
Zombie: There was just a little money<br>
Perona: I'm appalled! That we'd get<br>
Perona: No outcome with two ships... <br>
Perona: Is this really the ship of the man who brought down Crocodile? <br>
Perona: Oh well, then discharge just any rations!! <br>
Zombies: Aye! <br>
Hildon: Lady Perona!! <br>
Perona: Hildon! <br>
Hildon: Master Moria is calling for the Mysterious Three. <br>
Perona: Master did..? Why? <br>
Hildon: It seems that he was able to arrest "Strawhat Luffy"!!<br>
Hildon: It is going to be the debut of No.900! <br>
Perona: No.900!? Really!? <br>
Laura: Ab-sama!!! <br>
Laura: Absalom you bastard, come out and marry me!!! <br>
Laura: You disappeared and ditched me again didn'tcha!! <br>
Abs: That's strange.... <br>
Abs: There's no other place to run to... <br>
Abs: Hey, Bearsy<br>
Bearsy: Ah... ah.... Master Absalom, something terrible...!! <br>
Bearsy: something bad....!! <br>
Abs: Heey, wait first it's my turn! Did by any chance three of the pirates come across here? <br>
Bearsy: Ah... ah.... about that<br>
Perona: Absalom!! <br>
Perona: What're you doing here!! This is my room! <br>
Absalom: Perona<br>
Bearsy: Welcome back, Lady Perona! <br>
Perona: Don't talk, Bearsy!! How many times to do I have to tell you!!? <br>
Bearsy: ..... but there's something important I need to.... <br>
Perona: QFT!! Don't make another sound!!! <br>
Abs: As always you're so severe with Bearsy<br>
(So sebearsy) <br>
Perona: Be quiet, he's my subordinate! <br>
Perona: Besides, have you heard about it? Master's calling us together<br>
Bearsy: ah...... <br>
Abs: Huh? Did something happen? <br>
Bearsy: Umm... <br>
Zipper sfx: *zzzzip*...<br>
Usopp: (........)<br>
Zipper sfx: *zzzip*...<br>
Usopp: (.....)<br>
Nami: (w... we'd need a miracle if we don't want to get found again!!) <br>
Nami: (why are we hiding in here anyways!!) <br>
Usopp: (we can't help it! that beast man caught up on us so fast!! besides i..) <br>
Usopp: (don't think he'd come to be a zombie!! looking through this slit, seems we actually got away pretty well!) <br>
Hildon: Master Absalom!! So you were here? <br>
Hildon: There is something I would like to let you know of...!! <br>
Abs: What is it? <br>
Hildon: It seems there has been... one more intruder among the pirates<br>
Abs: Intruder? <br>
Hildon: It's the "Humming" swordsman!!! <br>
Abs: !!? <br>
Franky: Somebody fell from the sky...!! <br>
Smoke SFX: *sizzle*...<br>
Tallaran: ? <br>
Franky: Hey, what is it that just cam falling... <br>
Robin: Would it be.. <br>
Franky: No.. umm... <br>
Smoke SFX: *sizzle*<br>
Franky: Although it kinda looks a bit like... <br>
Franky: ! <br>
Tallaran: Hey heeey, ahhahhahhahhahha!! <br>
Tallaran: Although some weirdo butted in!! You can't run away from me! <br>
Tallaran: Cause I can make as many webs as I want!! <br>
Tallaran: Mooonkey monkeeey~~<br>
Franky: Alas<br>
Franky: Would there be a nice pillar somewhere right now<br>
Franky: Buy me some time<br>
Robin: ....? <br>
Franky: I just have to build a weapon<br>
Tallaran: SHAAAAAAH!!! "Spider Nettori Net"!!! (nettori = sticky) <br>
Robin: ! <br>
Robin: Silk glands in the hands........!! <br>
Robin: "Seis fleur"<br>
Robin: "Slap"!!<br>
Tallaran: Eh? <br>
Tallaran: GYAAAAAHH!! You slapped my eyeball!!! <br>
Tallaran: !! <br>
Tallaran: Ubabeh!! Shit!!! <br>
Tallaran: I'm stuck in the nettori net!!! <br>
Franky: Alright! Nico Robin, the preparations are done! <br>
Franky: Out of the way<br>
Robin: .....!? What's thaat? <br>
Franky: Thaat is the steel nunchaku I brought, <br>
Franky: only inserted into a pillar. <br>
Franky: Course there's a huge enough weapon for such a monster<br>
Tallaran: ......!! <br>
Tallaran: eh<br>
Franky: "HEAVY NUNCHAKU"!!!<br>
Tallaran: BOHEEH!!! <br>
Tallaran: Guoooh!!! <br>
Tallaran: (what's up with that power!!! isn't he a human!?) <br>
Franky: ORA!!! <br>
Tallaran: fdeh<br>
SFX from Tallaran's face: *squish*!!<br>
Tallaran: bhe<br>
Tallaran: doe......!!! <br>
Tallaran: Pueh... <br>
Tallaran: ua... uaid a .... sdo.... <br>
Tallaran: Sdop it you asshole!!! <br>
Franky: ! <br>
Tallaran: "Spider nettori net"!!!<br>
(pant) (pant)
Franky: !? <br>
Tallaran: Ahhahhahhahha!!! <br>
Franky: ........ <br>
Franky: "Weapons left"!!!<br>
Tallaran: debaah!!! <br>
Tallaran: cough... a.... ah<br>
Robin: AHH!!! <br>
Tallaran: ! <br>
Tallaran: Oh. <br>
Franky: WHU!? <br>
Franky: Nico Robin!! <br>
Spider Mice (=SM): Heyheyheey<br>
SM: Moouse mouseee~<br>
Franky: What're THOSE!!? <br>
Robin: Sorry,... got caught off guard!! <br>
Franky: There were other spiders!? <br>
Tallaran: SHAAAAH!!! <br>
Franky: Gwah!!! <br>
Franky: Shit!!! <br>
Tallaran: Ahhahhahhahha!! You idiots!!! <br>
Tallaran: Mooonkey monkeeey<br>
Tallaran: Off guard, my ass!! <br>
Tallaran: They're my subordinate Spider Mice!! <br>
Tallaran: There are as many as 500 of them on Thriller Bark!!! <br>
Franky: ........ <br>
Tallaran: Until now there hasn't been a single time we caught and harmed one of our preys<br>
Tallaran: It's always by surprise!! From out of the darkness, out of the blind spot, we catch our enemies<br>
Tallaran: Our "threads" were remodeled by Master Hogback so they can by no means get cut through with human power!!! <br>
SM: Your friends were silently picked <br>
SM: by us from above the ceiling!! <br>
SM: Now you are going to be taken to the same place<br>
SM: as your friends!! Prepare yourselves!! <br>
SFX all over the bg: Yohohoho~, yoohohoohoo, yohohohoo, yoohohoohoo<br>
Tallaran: ...? <br>
Tallaran: Huh? <br>
[Brook's song]<br>
''Going to deliver,''<br>
''Bink's hard liquor''<br>
''Leave it to the sea,'' <br>
''to the waves, and be carefree''<br>
''Even the setting sun''<br>
''revels beyond the tides''<br>
''It's the orbital song''<br>
''of birds in the skies''<br>
Tallaran: Huh? What's that!! <br>
Tallaran: Who's that!! <br>
Tallaran: Who's singing that song!!'' <br>
Brook: Yohohoho, no no, so you did enter this island after all? <br>
Robin: ! <br>
Robin: Eh.... how did you come from down-<br>
Brook: I jumped. Since I'm light. <br>
Brook: It cannot be helped if you unfortunately did come here. <br>
Brook: I should tell you everything about this island!! <br>
Tallaran: Hey you, who are you!!! <br>
Tallaran: You're not a zombie!!? <br>
Tallaran: Are you another comrade of the pirates!? <br>
Franky: Hey!! Skeleton!! <br>
Brook: ... don't mind, don't mind... it is alright... since I am finishing this. <br>
Franky: !?.....<br>
Brook: ... "Humming ten feet" ... (hanauta sanchô) [<- three chô are roughly ten feet / 3 meters]<br>
Brook: "Arrow-notch Strike"!!! (yahazu giri)<br>
sword's sfx: *CHING*!!<br>
End for this week<br>
<fieldset legend="Hinweis für kommende Woche">

Version vom 22:55, 24. Apr. 2007

hier kommen Spoilerpics


__HIDER__ <hide> 001
Usopp: Stop it, please! Don't kill her!! We're comrades!!!
Usopp: Nami, quick! Run awaaay!!!
Chops: You bastard! You bastard! Stop iiit!!!
Laura: It's me who'll get Absalom as groom!!!

Laura: Get lost!!
Usocho: Gyaah!!!

Nami: (pant)


Laura: Alright
Nami: (pant) (pant)
Laura: Prepare to diiie!!!
Nami: Wait a moment!! I'm...!
Nami: (pant)
I'm !!!
Actually a "man" !! [<- Nami even used male particles too]

Laura: EEEEHHH!!?


Usopp: Oi, oi..

Laura: Re... really?

Nami: Re... really!! I'm a trap!! I'm not fucking with you!! [<- and now she's making it sound more gay I think...]
Nami: Plus,

Nami: You and that beast man really fit together! I'd like to support that!!!

Laura: EH!? Really!?
Nami: Really! I'm not fucking with you!!

Laura: ..... until now, I haven't been supported a single time before
Laura: you're the first one to have ever directed such gentle words to me...!!

Nami: Chin up, my friend!
Nami: That's what they call friendship! I'm "Namizô", but you can call me Nami.
Laura: F... Friendship...
Nami sfx: *smile*
Usopp: ....... she brought her to heel

Nami: So, when he's conscious of course he won't give you his sign!
Nami: But you know, when he's asleep..
Laura: Attack him in his sleep!? Is that alright!? I wouldn't do that even as a human!!
Nami: Laura, aren't you a zombie?
Laura: But! There's this rotting issue..!
Nami: When he's not sleeping, there's plenty of time if you knock him unconscious.
Usopp: Hey Namizô, aren't we going to run away after all?
[^ I didn't get this conversation all that right... probably because it uncannily makes me think of necrophilia and rape]

Nami: By the way, Laura... I lost something in the treasure vault... I'd like to get back there but
Nami: I wonder where it's been again, could you tell me the direction?

Laura: How silly of you, but it's okay! So, when you're at Lady Perona's room it's very close
Usopp: Even though she really fell for it, she doesn't get it by now [<- too liberal, sorry]
Chops: (So Nami was a man after all...)

Chops: ....

(no wonder she appeared to be so masculine!)
[And I thought Chopper was a *good* doctor... orz]

Usopp: !!

Usopp: Hey Nami! HE caught up with us!

Nami: Really!?

Nami: Laura!! Chance to attack!!
Nami: It'll be okay since I won't see him again!!
Nami: You can do it!! You two are the best couple!!
Laura: I can do it!!! Thank you, Nami! You gave me courage!!!

Laura: Absaloooooom!!!
Abs: WHOOOW!!! Laura!!!

Nami: You two, now's the time!!
Chops: You dealt with the hog without doing anything after all!!!
Chops: Nami, you're greeaat!

Nami: Wasn't she a well-behaved good girl, if you'd just try to talk with her?
Usopp: But your eyes became strange!!!

Box: In Thriller Bark, Thousand Sunny
Perona: There's not a single treasure chest
Perona: on this ship!?
Zombie: There were chests, but they were empty...
Zombie: There was just a little money

Perona: I'm appalled! That we'd get
Perona: No outcome with two ships...
Perona: Is this really the ship of the man who brought down Crocodile?

Perona: Oh well, then discharge just any rations!!
Zombies: Aye!
Hildon: Lady Perona!!

Perona: Hildon!
Hildon: Master Moria is calling for the Mysterious Three.
Perona: Master did..? Why?

Hildon: It seems that he was able to arrest "Strawhat Luffy"!!
Hildon: It is going to be the debut of No.900!
Perona: No.900!? Really!?

Laura: Ab-sama!!!
Laura: Absalom you bastard, come out and marry me!!!
Laura: You disappeared and ditched me again didn'tcha!!

Abs: That's strange....
Abs: There's no other place to run to...

Abs: Hey, Bearsy
Bearsy: Ah... ah.... Master Absalom, something terrible...!!
Bearsy: something bad....!!
Abs: Heey, wait first it's my turn! Did by any chance three of the pirates come across here?
Bearsy: Ah... ah.... about that

Perona: Absalom!!
Perona: What're you doing here!! This is my room!
Absalom: Perona

Bearsy: Welcome back, Lady Perona!
Perona: Don't talk, Bearsy!! How many times to do I have to tell you!!?
Bearsy: ..... but there's something important I need to....
Perona: QFT!! Don't make another sound!!!

Abs: As always you're so severe with Bearsy
(So sebearsy)
Perona: Be quiet, he's my subordinate!
Perona: Besides, have you heard about it? Master's calling us together
Bearsy: ah......

Abs: Huh? Did something happen?
Bearsy: Umm...
Zipper sfx: *zzzzip*...
Usopp: (........)

Zipper sfx: *zzzip*...
Usopp: (.....)

Nami: (w... we'd need a miracle if we don't want to get found again!!)
Nami: (why are we hiding in here anyways!!)
Usopp: (we can't help it! that beast man caught up on us so fast!! besides i..)
Usopp: (don't think he'd come to be a zombie!! looking through this slit, seems we actually got away pretty well!)

Hildon: Master Absalom!! So you were here?
Hildon: There is something I would like to let you know of...!!
Abs: What is it?

Hildon: It seems there has been... one more intruder among the pirates
Abs: Intruder?
Hildon: It's the "Humming" swordsman!!!
Abs: !!?

Franky: Somebody fell from the sky...!!
Smoke SFX: *sizzle*...

Tallaran: ?

Franky: Hey, what is it that just cam falling...

Robin: Would it be..

Franky: No.. umm...
Smoke SFX: *sizzle*
Franky: Although it kinda looks a bit like...

Franky: !

Tallaran: Hey heeey, ahhahhahhahhahha!!
Tallaran: Although some weirdo butted in!! You can't run away from me!
Tallaran: Cause I can make as many webs as I want!!
Tallaran: Mooonkey monkeeey~~

Franky: Alas
Franky: Would there be a nice pillar somewhere right now
Franky: Buy me some time

Robin: ....?
Franky: I just have to build a weapon

Tallaran: SHAAAAAAH!!! "Spider Nettori Net"!!! (nettori = sticky)
Robin: !

Robin: Silk glands in the hands........!!

Robin: "Seis fleur"
Robin: "Slap"!!

Tallaran: Eh?

Tallaran: GYAAAAAHH!! You slapped my eyeball!!!

Tallaran: !!
Tallaran: Ubabeh!! Shit!!!
Tallaran: I'm stuck in the nettori net!!!

Franky: Alright! Nico Robin, the preparations are done!
Franky: Out of the way
Robin: .....!? What's thaat?


Franky: Thaat is the steel nunchaku I brought,
Franky: only inserted into a pillar.

Franky: Course there's a huge enough weapon for such a monster

Tallaran: ......!!
Tallaran: eh

Tallaran: BOHEEH!!!

Tallaran: Guoooh!!!

Tallaran: (what's up with that power!!! isn't he a human!?)

Franky: ORA!!!
Tallaran: fdeh
SFX from Tallaran's face: *squish*!!

Tallaran: bhe
Tallaran: doe......!!!

Tallaran: Pueh...
Tallaran: ua... uaid a .... sdo....

Tallaran: Sdop it you asshole!!!
Franky: !

Tallaran: "Spider nettori net"!!!
(pant) (pant) Franky: !?

Tallaran: Ahhahhahhahha!!!

Franky: ........

Franky: "Weapons left"!!!
Tallaran: debaah!!!


Tallaran: cough... a.... ah

Robin: AHH!!!
Tallaran: !
Tallaran: Oh.
Franky: WHU!?

Franky: Nico Robin!!
Spider Mice (=SM): Heyheyheey
SM: Moouse mouseee~
Franky: What're THOSE!!?

Robin: Sorry,... got caught off guard!!
Franky: There were other spiders!?

Tallaran: SHAAAAH!!!
Franky: Gwah!!!
Franky: Shit!!!

Tallaran: Ahhahhahhahha!! You idiots!!!
Tallaran: Mooonkey monkeeey
(*gasp*) Tallaran: Off guard, my ass!!
Tallaran: They're my subordinate Spider Mice!!
Tallaran: There are as many as 500 of them on Thriller Bark!!!
Franky: ........
Tallaran: Until now there hasn't been a single time we caught and harmed one of our preys

Tallaran: It's always by surprise!! From out of the darkness, out of the blind spot, we catch our enemies
Tallaran: Our "threads" were remodeled by Master Hogback so they can by no means get cut through with human power!!!

SM: Your friends were silently picked
SM: by us from above the ceiling!!
SM: Now you are going to be taken to the same place
SM: as your friends!! Prepare yourselves!!

SFX all over the bg: Yohohoho~, yoohohoohoo, yohohohoo, yoohohoohoo
Tallaran: ...?
Tallaran: Huh?

[Brook's song]
Going to deliver,
Bink's hard liquor

Leave it to the sea,
to the waves, and be carefree

Even the setting sun
revels beyond the tides

It's the orbital song
of birds in the skies

Tallaran: Huh? What's that!!
Tallaran: Who's that!!
Tallaran: Who's singing that song!!

Brook: Yohohoho, no no, so you did enter this island after all?
Robin: !

Robin: Eh.... how did you come from down-
Brook: I jumped. Since I'm light.

Brook: It cannot be helped if you unfortunately did come here.
Brook: I should tell you everything about this island!!
Tallaran: Hey you, who are you!!!
Tallaran: You're not a zombie!!?

Tallaran: Are you another comrade of the pirates!?
Franky: Hey!! Skeleton!!
Brook: ... don't mind, don't mind... it is alright... since I am finishing this.
Franky: !?.....

Brook: ... "Humming ten feet" ... (hanauta sanchô) [<- three chô are roughly ten feet / 3 meters]

Brook: "Arrow-notch Strike"!!! (yahazu giri)
sword's sfx: *CHING*!!

End for this week



Hinweis für kommende Woche

__HIDER__ <hide> Diese Woche wieder mal keine Spoiler Infos, da uns der kongenialste RAW-Hunter seit langer Zeit Mal wieder mit einem Early Release beglückt hat.
Was auch noch gesagt werden muss:
In Japan gibt es am Ende des Monats (April) eine große Feiertagswoche, die sich Golden Week nennt.
Diese Woche wird landesweit zelebriert und die Japaner haben so viel freie Tage am Stück, wie sonst nie^^
Die Woche wird in der Regel mit dem 29. April eingeläutet dem grünen Tag (Midori no Hi), obwohl ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass der in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal anders heißen soll..ich meine nach ner Regierungs-Ära. (Naja, ist ja nicht so wichtig)
Es folgen dann auch noch solch wichtige Tage, wie der Verfassungsfeiertag und der Volksfeiertag und das Ganze wird mit dem Kindertag abgerundet. (die waren, glaube ich, von 3. - 5. April)
Ok, aber zurück zum Thema: Wie angeschnitten arbeitet eigentlich kein Japaner in dieser Zeit und daher wird auch One Piece//die gesamte Shonen JUMP pausieren!!!

Jo, das war's auch schon^^

Bin kein Japaner..das Wissen hat sich einfach so über die Jahre angehäuft, weil ich das Land sehr liebe, kann trotzdem sein, dass manche Info nicht ganz 100% stimmig ist XP


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