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ワンピバレ 第449話 "スリラーバークの四怪人"
Chapter 449: "Thriller Bark's four mysterious persons"
扉絵 桜吹雪の中のゾロ、ナミ、そして鼻ほじってるルフィ
Jump Cover and Color Spread: Nami, Zoro and a nose-picking Luffy in a cherry blossom petal storm
Luffy: Shichibukai....!! Gecko Moria!? Is that true, Robin!!
Robin: He's a man of many mysteries
Franky: What's such a guy doing at a place like this?
      この地に残り暗い森をゾンビを恐れながら這い回る者・・・・海へ出てなお太陽に怯え生きる者・ ・・・!
      いずれにしろこんな体では生きている心地はせん・・・・死ぬ前にもう一度・・・・太陽の光の下 ・・・歩いてみてェ・・・!!!」
Gramps: Well, I dunno but, me and my folks the other victims who got lost in the forest aren't few...
That you guys were invited here too... I'm positive that Moria has set his eyes on you.
The ones creeping in the dark of this remaining forest, afraid of the zombies... those who are frightened to leave into the open sea under the sun...!
In any case this body doesn't feel like living anymore... just one more time before I die... I want to walk... under the sunlight...!!!
The old man is crying
フランキー「そうなのかおめェ・・・!!そりゃ辛ェよなァ・・・!!よォし!!おれが力になんぜ心配すんな !!!バカ、泣いちゃいねェよ」
Franky: Is that so...?! That's so heart rending...!!! OKAY!! I'm not worried bout my strength!!! Idiots, I'm not crying!!!
Zoro: You're too empathetic! Don't burden yourself so easily
サンジ「まったくだ、おいジジイ!!泣き落としは美女の特権だと思え!!!お前じゃトキメかね ェ!!」
Sanji: Really, gramps!! To persuade by tears is a lady's privilege!!! Don't sit there trembling!! [<- I'm guessing here, dunno what to make out of that yet]
Luffy: Well we were looking for the perpetrator who steals shadows anyways. If he's aiming on us too he'll get his ass whooped no sooner or later.
So while we're at it, you can get saved too, right gramps?!
Gramps: .... th-.... thank you for your kind words...!! Now I'm nourishing hope again
ゾンビ達「頼んだぜアンタ!」「頑張れ―――!」「トキメかなくて悪かったな!」「モリアなんてぶっ飛ばせ 」
Zombies: We're begging you!
Zombies: Do your best!
Zombies: Sorry I wasn't trembling!
Zombies: Kick Moria's ass!!
Sanji: They listened all the while, those other victims!!
Meanwhile in Hogback's mansion, Usopp's Team:
Hogback: Fosfosfosfos!! Fooosfospuoh....
Everyone: (That's Hogback's laughter...!!)
Hogback: Uh....nngh!! Foooosfos
Nami: Huh? That room...
Hogback: Foooosfosfsofos...!!!
Chopper: It's the laboratoryyy~~...!!
There's somebody huge with lots of stitches lying on the bed
ホグバッグ「フォ~~~スフォスフォスフォ―――ス!!!もうすぐ完成だ!!この見事な没人形(マリオ)! !
Hogback: Fooosfosfosfoooos!!! Soon it's finished!! This splendid dead body (Mario)!! [size=1][<- or something, furigana would be helpful. Mario?!][/font]
Look at it, Cindry-chan!! This is truly... ART!! An act of a genius!!!
Cindry: It would be fine too if it was a failure at its first breath.
ホグバッグ「何言ってんの!?シンドリーちゃん!!!まったくおめェの言動には毎度生き胆を抜かれるぜ!! 」
Hogback: What are you saying!? Cindry-chan!!! Your words and behavior are worse and worse every time [<- not quite what he said]
Cindry: I've prepared the dinner
Hogback: Ah......!! Ahh, I see, what's it for tonight?
Cindry: Soup spaghetti.
Soup and spaghetti come out of a bag, the soup mostly pours down
Hogback: Look look, the soup is pouring down!? Cindry-chan!!
Cindry: It would be good if plates completely ceased to exist...
Hogback: Nooo, I understand but why don't you choose a more suiting menue based on that notion!!
ナミ(シンドリーちゃんもいる・・・・!!本当に事故死したあの娘なのかしら・・・信じられな い)
Nami: (Cindry-chan's there too....!! If she really died in an accident, maybe that girl is.... I can't believe it...)
Usopp: (What's that thing there on the platform....?)
Hogback: I'm sorry bout that soup thing!!
Cindry: And the soup spaghetti?
Hogback: a... I'll eat it...
チョッパー「多分人の死体だ・・・・!!あの血色じゃ生きてはいないよ・・・・墓にいたゾンビと同じ様に・ ・・番号がついてる」
Choppy: That's probably a human's dead body...!! According to that complexion he shouldn't be alive anymore... it's the same way as with the zombies from the graveyard... and he has a number on him
ナミ「それをもうすぐ完成だと言ってた――これで決定的ね。アレこそ今まさに生み出されようとしているゾン ビよ・・・!!
   この島にいるゾンビ達はみんなホグバッグが蘇らせたんだわ・・・もうそれ以外考えられな い」
Nami: He said it was soon finished, there's no doubt about that. It must be the method of producing a zombie...!!
チョッパー「だけど・・・医学で救えるのは死ぬ前の人間だけだ。死者の体をどんなに強靭に造りなおしても命 まで戻って来るわけがないぞ」
Choppy: But... medicine is just about helping people before their death. No matter how hard you try to cure a dead body, there's no way it can come back to life!
Usopp: Thinking about it and understanding are two different things. If we keep on watching, we might be able to find out about the mystery of the reanimation!
??: Yohohoho!! Good day!! I'm glad I found you [<- gah, I'm too dumb to figure that line out right now]
Usopp: ....!? "Yohoho"...??
Nami: B... Brook!?
Garagashaaan (the three enter the lab)
Hogback: !!? Who's that!!!
Hogback: What did you see...?! Didn't I tell you to never peek inside my lab...
Usopp: W.... we didn't see anything!! Especially not the zombie you're making!!
ホグバッグ「・・・・まァよかろう、・・・今更何の秘密を知ろうとも・・・!!もう手遅れ・・・あと数分で 夜討ちが始まる・・・・!!
Hogback: .... well fine then.... at this point you probably have figured out some of the secrets...!! But it's already too late.... in some minutes the night attack will commence...!!
distracting.... the guests that got astray on this island
(Suddenly the night attack with the hunt commences...!!!)
??「ガルルル・・・・!!!ご丁寧に埋めなおされやがって・・・かゆいのも熱いのも痛ェのも全部気のせい だ!!
??: Growl....!!! To kindly put you back buried... if it's itching, burning or acheing, that's all your imagination!!
You morons are DEAD!! Now wake up!! Soldier Zombies!!
??「倒れても倒れてもまた立ち上がり襲いかかる、それこそがてめェらゾンビの真の恐怖・・・ ・・!!」
??: If you fall down you stand up again and attack, that's the thing what's making you zombies so scary...!!
Zombies: Awww.... Awwww.......... so tiresome....
??「うおいっ!!!たるみすぎだァ!!!いい加減にしろゾンビ共!!おいらが誰だか言ってみ ろ!!!」
??: WHOW!! Enough with the slacking!!! Get a grip, zombies!! Tell me who I am!!!
ゾンビ達「アンタリーダーだ」「おれ達のリーダーアプサロムだー!!」「リーダー!!」「リーダー!!」「 覗きが趣味の!!」「エロリーダー」
Zombies: You're the leader
Zombies: You're our leader Absalom!!
Zombies: Our leader!! x2
Zombies: .... who likes to peep!!
Zombies: Pervy-Leader!! x2
Zombies: Pervsalom!! x2 [<- literally "Erosalom"]
Zombies: Peeeeeervo!!
Absalom: SHUT UP!!!
The scene is a different place now. The ghosts assemble around a woman
We-we-welcome back!! Perona-sama...s....
ペローナ「あー!黙れ!喋るなクマシー!!なぜその風体で・・・お前はそんなに声が低いんだハ ラが立つ。
Perona: Yo! Be quiet, cutesy!! What's with that look/dress... I'm getting really angry when you're talking so humble/lowly.
If you're not cute you don't have a working qualification!! Horohorohoro [....... I'm not quite sure what's happening here right now]
The three who are like subordinates run
Hurry!! Hurry!! - It has begun!! It has begun!! - The time of the night attack! It's twelve o clock!!
Masteeeer~~!!! - Moria-samaaaa~~!! - It's time to get up!!!
They shoot the snot bubble on Moria's nose with an arrow
Moria: Hmuah!!?
DOOOOOON!! Enter Moria (he's huge like an X-Box)
Moria: Ma....!! Huh?? ...... oh..... Ahhh, I had a nightmare
「サイコーですね、ご主人様っ!!」「前回の夜討ちから約4日経っておりましてその間モリア様はずっと寝て おられましたので」
「4日分の食事は用意済みです!!」「今回の獲物は骨がありますよ!!先日エニエス・ロビーを落とし話題沸 騰中の一味です!!」
Master is the best, eh!! - Although Moria-sama has slept through all the the time after our last night attack four days ago. - The meals for four days are prepared!! - This time's prey is a tough one!! They're that very group that brought down Enies Lobby the other day!!
The scene changes to Luffy's team
ゾロ「だいぶ降り出してきたな」 フランキー「屋敷まで走るか!?」
Zorro: It's started to rain pretty much
Franky: Shall we run to the mansion!?
ルフィ「ちょっと待った!!屋敷の後ろに・・・マーク!?でっけェ何かが見えるぞ!?少し霧が薄れてるな・ ・・・何だ旗か!?」
Luffy: Wait a moment!! On the back of the mansion theres..... a mark!? HUGE!!! What's that thing!? The fog is clearing a bit... what a flag!?
Franky: No....!! It wouldn't be a sail!? That thing
Luffy: Sail!!?
じいさん「そうなのじゃ!!巨大すぎて全貌などわかりますまい、このスリラーバーグは世界一巨大な海賊船な のじゃ!!!」
Gramps: That's right!! It's too huge so I don't understand it completely - This Thriller Bark is the world's best Giant Pirate Ship!!!
『兵士ゾンビ・将軍ゾンビ指揮官 墓場のアブサロム』
Box: Soldier zombie and General zombie commander, Absalom of the Graveyard
Absalom: Growl...!! Okay, zombie troops, the General Zombies will finish off the pirates!!!
You only corner the ones who are afraid of the undead!!!
All Zombies: UOOOOH!!!!
時刻は0時 鐘が鳴る
At that time, the twelve o clock bell rings
『動物ゾンビ・びっくりゾンビ指揮官 ゴーストプリンセス ペローナ』
ペローナ「さて0時の鐘が鳴った・・・私達も本気でいくぞマヌケ共!!準備はいいな!?ゾンビ 達」
Box: Animal zombie and Surprise zombie commander, Ghost Princess Perona
Perona: Now, the twelve o clock bell rang... we're getting down to business, you dumbos!! Are the preparations okay!!? Zombies?
All zombies: UOOOOH!!!
モリア「成る程・・・麦わらのルフィか・・・・歓迎するぞ・・・ここは死者達の魔境・・・スリラーバーグ。 悪い夢を見ていくがいい!!!」
Moria: I see... Strawhat Luffy... let's welcome him...! This is the realm of ghosts and ghouls... Thriller Bark. The nightmare awaits you!!!
Moria, Perona, Hogback & Absalom in a four splitted panel cut
Luffy: Okay, let's go!! Into the ghost mansion!!!
End for this week

Version vom 19:45, 21. Mär. 2007

Noch keine Bilder


Thriller Barque is a village on an enormous ship.
Gecko Moria seems to be of the giant race. (A very high rank in the giant race.)
Though the name is forgoten, invisible man and Verona appear having a human appearance. (Moria Pirates Leaders)
Next week Luffy's group's night attack commences.
16 :骨折中 ?uk4W7KiJX6 :2007/03/20(火) 09:28:52 ID:Mj7BqBdl0
16: In a bone fracture [This is all just letters and numbers...] (fire)
Animal Zombie Surprise Zombie Commander
Ghost Princess Verona


Sailor Zombie General
Zombie Commander
Graveyard Absalom [Graveyard is the title, like Strawhat Luffy]


"Moria-sama! The recent spoils are the ones who fell Enies Lobby, the Strawhat Pirates."
"Wahaha! Prepare for a night attack~"


Full Script ~ Rockschmock

__HIDER__ <hide> ワンピバレ 第449話 "スリラーバークの四怪人" Chapter 449: "Thriller Bark's four mysterious persons"


扉絵 桜吹雪の中のゾロ、ナミ、そして鼻ほじってるルフィ Jump Cover and Color Spread: Nami, Zoro and a nose-picking Luffy in a cherry blossom petal storm


Luffy: Shichibukai....!! Gecko Moria!? Is that true, Robin!! ロビン「謎の多い男よ・・・」 Robin: He's a man of many mysteries フランキー「そんな奴がこんなとこで何やってんだ?」 Franky: What's such a guy doing at a place like this?


      あんたらもここに誘われた時点で・・・・モリアに目をつけられたと思った方がいい       この地に残り暗い森をゾンビを恐れながら這い回る者・・・・海へ出てなお太陽に怯え生きる者・ ・・・!       いずれにしろこんな体では生きている心地はせん・・・・死ぬ前にもう一度・・・・太陽の光の下 ・・・歩いてみてェ・・・!!!」 Gramps: Well, I dunno but, me and my folks the other victims who got lost in the forest aren't few... That you guys were invited here too... I'm positive that Moria has set his eyes on you. The ones creeping in the dark of this remaining forest, afraid of the zombies... those who are frightened to leave into the open sea under the sun...! In any case this body doesn't feel like living anymore... just one more time before I die... I want to walk... under the sunlight...!!!


The old man is crying

フランキー「そうなのかおめェ・・・!!そりゃ辛ェよなァ・・・!!よォし!!おれが力になんぜ心配すんな !!!バカ、泣いちゃいねェよ」

Franky: Is that so...?! That's so heart rending...!!! OKAY!! I'm not worried bout my strength!!! Idiots, I'm not crying!!! ゾロ「気持ちを分かりすぎだろ!てめェ、軽く背負い込むな」 Zoro: You're too empathetic! Don't burden yourself so easily

サンジ「まったくだ、おいジジイ!!泣き落としは美女の特権だと思え!!!お前じゃトキメかね ェ!!」

Sanji: Really, gramps!! To persuade by tears is a lady's privilege!!! Don't sit there trembling!! [<- I'm guessing here, dunno what to make out of that yet]


     おっさんもついでに助かるんじゃねェか!?」 Luffy: Well we were looking for the perpetrator who steals shadows anyways. If he's aiming on us too he'll get his ass whooped no sooner or later. So while we're at it, you can get saved too, right gramps?! じいさん「・・・あ・・・・ありがてェ言葉だ・・・!!ついででも何でも希望が持てますじゃ」 Gramps: .... th-.... thank you for your kind words...!! Now I'm nourishing hope again ゾンビ達「頼んだぜアンタ!」「頑張れ―――!」「トキメかなくて悪かったな!」「モリアなんてぶっ飛ばせ 」 Zombies: We're begging you! Zombies: Do your best! Zombies: Sorry I wasn't trembling! Zombies: Kick Moria's ass!!


Sanji: They listened all the while, those other victims!!


Meanwhile in Hogback's mansion, Usopp's Team:


Hogback: Fosfosfosfos!! Fooosfospuoh.... 一同(ホグバッグの笑い声だ・・・・!!) Everyone: (That's Hogback's laughter...!!) ホグバッグ「ウ・・・ンン!!フォ~~~スフォス」 Hogback: Uh....nngh!! Foooosfos ナミ「何?この部屋」 Nami: Huh? That room... ホグバッグ「フォ~~~~スフォスフォスフォス・・・・!!!」 Hogback: Foooosfosfsofos...!!! チョッパー「研究所だ~~~~~・・・・!!」 Chopper: It's the laboratoryyy~~...!!


There's somebody huge with lots of stitches lying on the bed ホグバッグ「フォ~~~スフォスフォスフォ―――ス!!!もうすぐ完成だ!!この見事な没人形(マリオ)! !        見ろよシンドリーちゃん!!まさに・・・芸術!!天才の所業!!!」 Hogback: Fooosfosfosfoooos!!! Soon it's finished!! This splendid dead body (Mario)!! [size=1][<- or something, furigana would be helpful. Mario?!][/font] Look at it, Cindry-chan!! This is truly... ART!! An act of a genius!!! シンドリー「もう一息の所で失敗すればいい」 Cindry: It would be fine too if it was a failure at its first breath. ホグバッグ「何言ってんの!?シンドリーちゃん!!!まったくおめェの言動には毎度生き胆を抜かれるぜ!! 」 Hogback: What are you saying!? Cindry-chan!!! Your words and behavior are worse and worse every time [<- not quite what he said] シンドリー「夜食を作りました」 Cindry: I've prepared the dinner ホグバッグ「あっ・・・・!!あーそうか、今夜はなんだ」 Hogback: Ah......!! Ahh, I see, what's it for tonight? シンドリー「スープスパゲティです」 Cindry: Soup spaghetti.


Soup and spaghetti come out of a bag, the soup mostly pours down


Hogback: Look look, the soup is pouring down!? Cindry-chan!! シンドリー「皿なんて絶え果てればいい・・・」 Cindry: It would be good if plates completely ceased to exist... ホグバッグ「いやー解るがよ、それを踏まえてなぜそう果敢なメニューを選ぶんだ!!」 Hogback: Nooo, I understand but why don't you choose a more suiting menue based on that notion!!

ナミ(シンドリーちゃんもいる・・・・!!本当に事故死したあの娘なのかしら・・・信じられな い)

Nami: (Cindry-chan's there too....!! If she really died in an accident, maybe that girl is.... I can't believe it...) ウソップ(あの台に乗ってんの何だ・・・・?) Usopp: (What's that thing there on the platform....?)


Hogback: I'm sorry bout that soup thing!! シンドリー「スープスパゲティは?」 Cindry: And the soup spaghetti? ホグバッグ「・・・・・く・・・食うよ」 Hogback: a... I'll eat it...

チョッパー「多分人の死体だ・・・・!!あの血色じゃ生きてはいないよ・・・・墓にいたゾンビと同じ様に・ ・・番号がついてる」

Choppy: That's probably a human's dead body...!! According to that complexion he shouldn't be alive anymore... it's the same way as with the zombies from the graveyard... and he has a number on him ナミ「それをもうすぐ完成だと言ってた――これで決定的ね。アレこそ今まさに生み出されようとしているゾン ビよ・・・!!    この島にいるゾンビ達はみんなホグバッグが蘇らせたんだわ・・・もうそれ以外考えられな い」 Nami: He said it was soon finished, there's no doubt about that. It must be the method of producing a zombie...!! チョッパー「だけど・・・医学で救えるのは死ぬ前の人間だけだ。死者の体をどんなに強靭に造りなおしても命 まで戻って来るわけがないぞ」 Choppy: But... medicine is just about helping people before their death. No matter how hard you try to cure a dead body, there's no way it can come back to life! ウソップ「考えてもわかるもんかよ、ここで覗いてればその生命蘇生の秘密が知れる筈だ」 Usopp: Thinking about it and understanding are two different things. If we keep on watching, we might be able to find out about the mystery of the reanimation!


??: Yohohoho!! Good day!! I'm glad I found you [<- gah, I'm too dumb to figure that line out right now] 一同「・・・・・!?ヨホホって・・・」「ブ、ブルック!?」「・・・・・・!!?」 Usopp: ....!? "Yohoho"...?? Nami: B... Brook!? .........!!?


Garagashaaan (the three enter the lab)


Hogback: !!? Who's that!!!


Hogback: What did you see...?! Didn't I tell you to never peek inside my lab... ウソップ「な・・・何も見てねェ!!造りかけのゾンビも見てねェ!!」 Usopp: W.... we didn't see anything!! Especially not the zombie you're making!! ホグバッグ「・・・・まァよかろう、・・・今更何の秘密を知ろうとも・・・!!もう手遅れ・・・あと数分で 夜討ちが始まる・・・・!!         油断させ・・・・島に迷いこんだ客人達を」 Hogback: .... well fine then.... at this point you probably have figured out some of the secrets...!! But it's already too late.... in some minutes the night attack will commence...!! distracting.... the guests that got astray on this island


(Suddenly the night attack with the hunt commences...!!!)

??「ガルルル・・・・!!!ご丁寧に埋めなおされやがって・・・かゆいのも熱いのも痛ェのも全部気のせい だ!!

    てめェら死人だぞ!!さァ起きろ!!兵士ゾンビ共っ!!」 ??: Growl....!!! To kindly put you back buried... if it's itching, burning or acheing, that's all your imagination!! You morons are DEAD!! Now wake up!! Soldier Zombies!!

??「倒れても倒れてもまた立ち上がり襲いかかる、それこそがてめェらゾンビの真の恐怖・・・ ・・!!」

??: If you fall down you stand up again and attack, that's the thing what's making you zombies so scary...!! ゾンビ達「あ~~~・・・あ~~~~~~・・・めんどくさっ・・」 Zombies: Awww.... Awwww.......... so tiresome.... ??「うおいっ!!!たるみすぎだァ!!!いい加減にしろゾンビ共!!おいらが誰だか言ってみ ろ!!!」 ??: WHOW!! Enough with the slacking!!! Get a grip, zombies!! Tell me who I am!!!

ゾンビ達「アンタリーダーだ」「おれ達のリーダーアプサロムだー!!」「リーダー!!」「リーダー!!」「 覗きが趣味の!!」「エロリーダー」

     「エロリーダー!!」「エロサロム!!」「エロサロム!!」「エ~~~ロス!!」 Zombies: You're the leader Zombies: You're our leader Absalom!! Zombies: Our leader!! x2 Zombies: .... who likes to peep!! Zombies: Pervy-Leader!! x2 Zombies: Pervsalom!! x2 [<- literally "Erosalom"] Zombies: Peeeeeervo!!


Absalom: SHUT UP!!!


The scene is a different place now. The ghosts assemble around a woman 「おっおっお帰りなさいませ!!ぺローナ様・・・・達・・・・」 We-we-welcome back!! Perona-sama...s.... ペローナ「あー!黙れ!喋るなクマシー!!なぜその風体で・・・お前はそんなに声が低いんだハ ラが立つ。       カワイくなけりゃ私に仕える資格もねーんだよ!!ホロホロホロホロ・・・」 Perona: Yo! Be quiet, cutesy!! What's with that look/dress... I'm getting really angry when you're talking so humble/lowly. If you're not cute you don't have a working qualification!! Horohorohoro [....... I'm not quite sure what's happening here right now]


The three who are like subordinates run 「急げ!!急げ!!」「始まるぞ!!始まるぞ!!」「夜討ちの時間だ!!午前0時を回る!!」 Hurry!! Hurry!! - It has begun!! It has begun!! - The time of the night attack! It's twelve o clock!! 「ご主人様~~~~!!」「モリア様~~~~!!」「起床の時間です!!!」 Masteeeer~~!!! - Moria-samaaaa~~!! - It's time to get up!!!


They shoot the snot bubble on Moria's nose with an arrow


Moria: Hmuah!!?


DOOOOOON!! Enter Moria (he's huge like an X-Box) 「ご主人様~~~!!」 Masteeeer~~!! モリア「ご・・・!!ん??・・・・ああ・・・・あ~~~悪ィ夢を見た」 Moria: Ma....!! Huh?? ...... oh..... Ahhh, I had a nightmare 「サイコーですね、ご主人様っ!!」「前回の夜討ちから約4日経っておりましてその間モリア様はずっと寝て おられましたので」 「4日分の食事は用意済みです!!」「今回の獲物は骨がありますよ!!先日エニエス・ロビーを落とし話題沸 騰中の一味です!!」 「必ずやモリア様のお役に立つでしょう!!!」 Master is the best, eh!! - Although Moria-sama has slept through all the the time after our last night attack four days ago. - The meals for four days are prepared!! - This time's prey is a tough one!! They're that very group that brought down Enies Lobby the other day!!


The scene changes to Luffy's team ゾロ「だいぶ降り出してきたな」 フランキー「屋敷まで走るか!?」 Zorro: It's started to rain pretty much Franky: Shall we run to the mansion!? ルフィ「ちょっと待った!!屋敷の後ろに・・・マーク!?でっけェ何かが見えるぞ!?少し霧が薄れてるな・ ・・・何だ旗か!?」 Luffy: Wait a moment!! On the back of the mansion theres..... a mark!? HUGE!!! What's that thing!? The fog is clearing a bit... what a flag!?


Franky: No....!! It wouldn't be a sail!? That thing ルフィ「帆!!?」 Luffy: Sail!!? じいさん「そうなのじゃ!!巨大すぎて全貌などわかりますまい、このスリラーバーグは世界一巨大な海賊船な のじゃ!!!」 Gramps: That's right!! It's too huge so I don't understand it completely - This Thriller Bark is the world's best Giant Pirate Ship!!!

『兵士ゾンビ・将軍ゾンビ指揮官 墓場のアブサロム』

Box: Soldier zombie and General zombie commander, Absalom of the Graveyard


        お前達はただただ不死の恐怖で奴らを追い込め!!!」 Absalom: Growl...!! Okay, zombie troops, the General Zombies will finish off the pirates!!! You only corner the ones who are afraid of the undead!!!


All Zombies: UOOOOH!!!!

時刻は0時 鐘が鳴る

At that time, the twelve o clock bell rings

『動物ゾンビ・びっくりゾンビ指揮官 ゴーストプリンセス ペローナ』

ペローナ「さて0時の鐘が鳴った・・・私達も本気でいくぞマヌケ共!!準備はいいな!?ゾンビ 達」 Box: Animal zombie and Surprise zombie commander, Ghost Princess Perona Perona: Now, the twelve o clock bell rang... we're getting down to business, you dumbos!! Are the preparations okay!!? Zombies?


All zombies: UOOOOH!!!

モリア「成る程・・・麦わらのルフィか・・・・歓迎するぞ・・・ここは死者達の魔境・・・スリラーバーグ。 悪い夢を見ていくがいい!!!」

Moria: I see... Strawhat Luffy... let's welcome him...! This is the realm of ghosts and ghouls... Thriller Bark. The nightmare awaits you!!! モリア・ペローナ・ホグバッグ・アブサロムの4分割カット Moria, Perona, Hogback & Absalom in a four splitted panel cut


Luffy: Okay, let's go!! Into the ghost mansion!!!


End for this week </hide>


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