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Version vom 13:35, 16. Jan. 2008


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11 Bilder

Spoiler: Kapitel 485 - Strohhutbande: Piratenjäger Zorro - von Himajin, auf eng. Übersetzt von s23a

Cover: Karuh angelt.

485話 麦わらの一味・海賊狩りのゾロ Strawhat Crew member - Pirate Hunter Zoro


くまはルフィを見つけてトドメをさそうとします Kuma stands alone after the attack. Lola, Ussop and others are shown unconscious. Kuma finds Luffy and is about to finish him off for good.


Zoro - Shishisonson! (The same move Zoro put on Mr. 1 to defeat him and ultimately conquer steel. Full title of the move is Itoryu Iai Shishisonson)


くまの傷口から見えたのは機械でした Zoro strikes Kuma's back and he is cut open. From Kuma's wound, a machine/robotic part is shown.


Zoro - A cyborg just like Franky...!?

くま「改造人間・・・確かにそうだが、サイボーグフランキーとはずいぶん違う。おれはパシフィ スタと呼ばれ ている。まだ未完成の政府の人間兵器」

Kuma - Cyborg...technically yes, but I am very different compared to Cyborg Franky. I am known as a "Pacifista." I am a yet to be completed ultimate weapon of the Marines.


Zoro - Pacifista...!?


   奴の科学力はすでに・・・これから人類が500年をかけて到達する域だと言われている。 」 Kuma - I am a creation of the genius Dr. Vegapunk. The greatest genius in the world! It is said that his knowledge is equivalent to what man will discover 500 years from now.


Zoro - Your really going to take Luffys neck (life)?


Kuma - That is my ultimate concession.

ゾロ「・・・・わかった首・・・はやるよ。・・・・ただし身代わりの・・・・このおれの命一つ で!!勘弁し て貰いてェ・・・・!!!」

Alright... you can have a neck. Take mines instead! Just not his!

ゾロがくまに懇願します。サンジがそれを聞いてゾロの代わりになろうと言いますがゾロの一撃を 喰らって気絶 してしまいます

くまはルフィを掴んでルフィになんかしました。変なの出てきます Zoro is begging Kuma. Sanji overhears everything and says to take his instead of theirs. Zoro strikes Sanji and he passes out. Kuma does something to Luffy. Something werid comes out.

くま「今・・・こいつの体から弾き飛ばしたのは痛みと疲労だ。身代わりになるというなら文字通 りお前がこの 苦痛を受けろ

   ただでさえ死にそうなお前がこれに耐え切る事は不可能。死に至る」 Kuma - What I just drew out from his body is pain and fatigue. Live up to your own word and take this torment instead. However, with the condition your in right now, it is impossible for you to survive this. You will die.


Zoro - Just let me think of the location......


Zoro is alone in the forrest. He takes the torment and something terrible happens. Kuma is shown gazing out to the ocean.


Kuma - What a son you have, Dragon. He has great nakama.

麦わら一味全員立ち上がってみんな無事を喜んでいます。サンジ、ゾロを探しに森へ。ゾロ見つけ ます

The strawhats regain consciousness and are glad to find that they are safe. Sanji runs off to the forrest to look for Zoro. He finds him.


Sanji - What is this massive load of blood! What happened here!


Zoro - Nothing! happened at all...!!!!



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  • AnimeManga Charts