Brooke ate the "Yomi-Yomi" fruit [presumably 黄泉, the underworld]. Until he died, he just couldn't swim, but once he died, he had the ability to come back to life a single time.
A number of decades ago, when he was a pirate, someone massacred him [and his crew] in the Florian Triangle. His soul managed to find his dead body, but because it took a year, it had been reduced to bleached bones. However, his roots were strong so his afro remained the same as ever. Before he died, he was a musician. Being undead, Brooke has no reflection in the mirror, casts no shadow, and disappears when hit by sunlight.
(He tells them all this over dinner.)
This week, a ghost appears behind Zoro in the room. When they go outside, an island is visible that the Log Pose doesn't respond to. Brooke explains that it's a ghost island he's been searching for, that appeared through the fireworks (?) in the barrel. He doesn't recommend landing there, but because he apparently wanted to see it again, he runs across the surface of the water to the island (since he's just a skeleton, he's light). Luffy, starry-eyed, wants to go to the island.
's it for this week; original poster wrote all he could remember.
Interessante Randbemerkung von Prince: Was mir beim genauen Lesen des Original Spoilers kam, ist, dass Brooke erklärt, was passiert wenn er mit Sonnenlicht in Berührung kommt: Hierbei verwendet er das Wort 消滅 (Shômetsu). Dieses Wort hat eine viel stärkere Betonung als nur "verschwinden", es wird häufig im Zusammenhang mit Tod verwendet, da es auch mit Aussterben oder Erlöschen übersetzt werden kann.
__HIDER__ <hide> 第443話 スリラーパーク Chapter 443: Thriller Park 扉絵 エネルのスペース大作戦vol.13「大爆発」 On the front: Enel’s Space epic vol. 13 “Huge Explosion” エネルの背後で大爆発 それ見たエネル「!」 A huge explosion to the back of Enel, while he stands watching 舞台は先週の続きから The scene continues on from last week ブルック「ヨホホホホ!!!ハイどうもみなさん!!ごきげんよう!!! Brook: Yohohohoho!!! Yes, welcome everyone!! Nice to meet you!!!
ックです!!!どうぞよろしく!!!」 “just dead bones” Brook”!!! How do you do!!! 一同「ふざけんな!!!何だコイツは!!!」 Everyone: Stop messing around!! What’s up with this guy!! ブルック「ヨホホホ、おやおや手厳シィ―――!!」 Brook: Yohohoho, hey now, don’t be so uptight---!! チョッパー「ガイコツだ――――っ!!!」 Chopper: It’s a skeleton!!!!!! ウソップ「ガイコツが喋って動いてアフロなわけがねェ!!!これは夢だ、絶対 夢だ!!!」 Usopp: There’s no way a skeleton can talk and move around and have an afro!! This is a dream… definitely a dream!!! チョッパー「ホントか!?よかった、夢かー!!」 Chopper: Really!? Oh thank god, a dream---!! ウソップ「悪霊退散悪霊退散!!」 Usopp: Evil spirit dispersion, Evil spirit dispersion!! ブルック「おや美しいお嬢さん!!パンツ見せて貰ってよろしいですか?」 Brook: Hey now, beautiful lady!! How about you showin’ me yo’ underpants? ナミ「やめんか、セクハラガイコツ!!!(靴投げる)」 Nami: Cut that out, you sexual harasskeleton [sexual harassment+skeleton] (she throws her shoes) ゾロ「おい、ルフィ!!!こいつは何だ!!」 Zoro: Hey, Luffy!! Who’s this guy!! ルフィ「面白ェだろ、仲間にした」 Luffy: He’s a funny guy, I made him part of the crew ゾロ「したじゃねェよ、認めるか!!!
Zoro: You did what? Who approved that!!!
こういうルフィの暴走を止める為だろうが!!!」 You’re supposed to stop Luffy when he starts acting impulsive!!! ナミ・サンジ「面目ねェ」 Nami/Sanji: but he -is- interesting… ブルック「ヨホホホ!!まあ、そう熱くならずに!!!どうぞ船内へ!!夕食にしましょう!!!」 Brook: Yohohoho!! Well, let’s not get all worked up!!! Please, come inside the ship!! Let’s have dinner ゾロ「てめェが決めんな!!!」 Zoro: You don’t get to decide things like that!!! 一同サニー号の中へ Everyone inside the Sunny-Go ブルック「いやいや何と素敵なダイニング!!そしてキッチン!!これは素晴らしい船ですね!!ヨホホホ!!」 Brook: My my, what a splendid dining room!! and the kitchen!! This is certainly an amazing ship!! Yohohoho!! フランキー「そうさ、スーパーなおれが造った船だ!おめェなかなか見る目あるじゃねェか!」 Franky: Damn right, I built this ship to be Super! You’ve got quite the eye for nice things! サンジ「おい、馴れ合うなフランキー」 Sanji: Hey, don’t make friends with him Franky ブルック「しかし、お料理の方楽しみですね。私ここ何十年もろくな物食してないので・・・ Brook: But, I love cooks. It’s been tens of years without much food to eat.
I’ve been suffering every day through the skin of my stomach and back pulled tight together as if they were connected ブルック「お腹の皮も背中の皮もガイコツだからないんですけども!!!ヨホホホ!!スカルジョーク!!」 Brook: Because I’m a skeleton I don’t have any back or stomach skin, hahaha!!! Yohohoho!! Skull Joke!! 一同「・・・・・」 Everyone: ….. ブルック「―私、紳士ですので”食事を待つ”―――そんな何げないひと時が大好きで・・・」 Brook: ----because I am a gentlemen, I love people who will sit patiently and wait for food… ブルック「ディ――――ナ~~~アッ♪ディ――――ナアッ♪(テーブルをカンカン叩く)」 Brook: Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnerrrr Diiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnerrrr!! (he’s making clanging noises on the table) サンジ「うるせェ、黙って待ってろ!!!」 Sanji: Just shut up and wait!!! ルフィ「ところでコロボックル」 Luffy: By the way, Korobokkuru (note: ok I was having trouble with the katakana here, but I did some research and it seems like Korobokkuru [with many alternate spellings] was a race of small people in Ainu folklore --- hard to tell without pictures, but there’s probably something funny going on here) ブルック「あ、ブルックです私えーと・・・あ、お名前まだ・・・」 Brook: uh, it’s Brook. Me.. er… that is, my name… ルフィ「おれはルフィだ ところでお前一体何なんだ」 Luffy: I’m Luffy.. what are you? ゾロ「どんだけ互いを知らねェんだお前ら!!!」 Zoro: How can you not know that!!!
After dinner サンジ「ヨミヨミの実・・・・!?やっぱり悪魔の実か・・・」 Sanji: The yomi-yomi fruit….!? That’s really a devil’s fruit…. ブルック「そうなのです!私実は数十年前一度死んだのです!!(汚れで真っ黒)」 Brook: Indeed! The truth is, I died once some tens of years ago !! (Brook is dirty to the point of being completely black) サンジ「まず顔拭けよ。どう食ったらそんなに汚れるんだ」 Sanji: …First wipe your face. How the hell were you eating, that you got so dirty ブルック「ヨミヨミの実とは”ヨミがえる”つまり、復活人間というわけで二度の人生を約束される― Brook: The yomi-yomi fruit is the power of resurrection. Basically, it means I’m a resurrection-being who is given the ability to have two lives
Quite a strange ability huh!! When I lived before, I was a pirate, but
the ship that I rode on and the crewmates that I had entered this sea of demons together!!!
unluckily… we ran into a terrible group of pirates and the entire group was annihilated in battle
and that’s when I died as well!! …. While I was living, I couldn’t swim, because of the だカナヅチになるだけのヨミヨミの能力でしたが」 Yomi-yomi fruit, but ブルック「ついにその日、実の能力が発動しました Brook: unexpectedly, on that day, the true devil’s fruit ability went into action
Instead of traveling on to Hades, my soul came back to this world!! If I had just got back to my body quickly I should have been resurrected, but
trying to search for my dead body in the deep fog of this ocean I got lost, and my soul kept wandering around in the midst of this fog for a whole year!!
by the time I found my body, the bones had become bleached white!!!
I was surprised to find that my eyes had turned into dots, and I had no eyeballs!!! Yohohoho!!! フランキー「それで喋るガイコツの完成か!白骨でもちゃんと蘇っちまうところ Franky: So that’s how you completely became a skeleton! Even with bleached bones you were fully resurrected.. が悪魔の実の恐ろしい所だな」 I guess that’s the scary aspect of a devil’s fruit ゾロ「しかし、白骨死体にふつう毛は残らねェよな。ガイコツがアフロって・・・」 Zoro: But, on your bleached-bones corpse your hair remained as it was. A skeleton with an afro…. ブルック「毛根強かったんです」 Brook: My hair was firmly rooted ウソップ「じゃ、お前オバケじゃねェんだな!?つまり!!人間なのか!?人間じゃねェけど!!」 Usopp: So.. you’re not a ghost!? Which means!! You’re a human!? but you’re not a human! ブルック「ええ、私オバケ大嫌いですから!!そんなものの姿見たら泣き叫びますよ私!!」 Brook: Yes, I hate ghosts!! If I even see them I start crying!! ナミ「あんた鏡見た事あるの?」 Nami: ..have you ever seen a mirror? ブルック「ギャ―――!!やめて下さい鏡は!!鏡は・・・!!」 Brook: gyaa---!! Cut it out! A mirror… A mirror will…!! ウソップ「お前何で・・・・・鏡に映らねェんだ!!?」 Usopp: You… why don’t you give off a reflection in the mirror!!? ルフィ「ほんとかー!!?スゲ―――な!!!」 Luffy: Really-!! That’s awesome!!! 一同「バ・・・吸血鬼か!!!?」 Everyone: v… Vampire!!!? ウソップ「!!?い・・・よく見りゃお前影もねェじゃねェか!!!」 Usopp: !!? … If I look closely you don’t have a shadow either!!! ゾロ「・・・・・・」 Zoro: …… お茶を飲むブルック Brook is drinking tea サンジ「いや落ち着くとこかよ!!!」 Sanji: ah, calm down!!! ウソップ「こっちは騒いでんだぞ、お前の事で!!!」 Usopp: You’re the one making a fuss!! You!!! ブルック「全てを一気に語るには・・・私がこの海を漂った時間はあまりに長い年月・・・・!!! Brook: Alright, I’ll tell you all at once.. I floated around in this ocean for too many months
The fact that I am a skeleton… and the fact that I have no shadow are two completely different stories ルフィ「・・・・・・」 \ Luffy: ….. ブルック「続く」 Brook: to be continued サンジ「話せ!!今っ!!!」 Sanji: Spit it out!! Now!! ブルック「影は・・・数年前、ある男に・・・奪われました」 Brook: The shadow.. a few years ago.. a guy.. stole it ロビン「・・・・影を・・・・・?」 Robin: …your shadow….? ゾロ「お前が喋っている以上、今更何言おうと驚かねェがそんな事があんのか?」 Zoro: You got anything else you want to tell us so we don’t get surprised by it later? ブルック「あります。影を奪われるという事は光ある世界で存在できなくなるという事で I do. Since my shadow was stolen, I live in a whole where light cannot exist
and if my body receives direct rays from the sun, I will perish!!
I met someone with the same affliction as me melt away under the sun right before my eyes
that was after my flesh had already been taken away. (note: I realize this literally translates as “body hair” here but seems to me like he’s talking about how his physical being was taken away)
Even though I’m a skeleton, where light should be reflected on the ground, my body does not reflect a shadow in a mirror or a picture or anything else
In other words, I live an existence devoid of light!! My crewmates were all annihilated. I’m “just dead bones” ックです、どうぞよろしく!!」 Brook, how do you do!! サンジ「何で明るいんだよ!!さんざんだなお前の人生」 Sanji: Why are you so cheerful!! Your previous life was awful! ブルック「なのにコツコツ生きてきました!!骨だけに!!!」 Brook: Even so, I’ve carried on living!! With only bones!!!
Everyone: Shut up!!! ブルック「ヨホホホホホホ ヨホホホホホ(いきなり叫びだす)」 Brook: Yohohohohohohoho Yohohohohoo (all of a sudden he cries out) ウソップ「おいおいどうした大丈夫か」 Usopp: hey, hey, are you ok? ブルック「今日はなんて素敵な日でしょう!!!人に逢えた!!!(バンザイ)」 Brook: Today has been an amazing day!! I got to meet humans!!! (Banzai) 一同「!」 Everyone: ! ブルック「今日か明日か、日の変わり目のわからないこの霧の深い暗い海で Brook: Today or tomorrow, the changing days as they pass before my eyes in the fog of
this deep dark ocean, there’s only been one rudder of a large ship swaying around, lost for these 年!! tens of years!!
I was sooooo lonely!! Lonely and scared…!!! て・・・・!!!死にたかった!!! I wanted to die!!!
That’s the cost of longevity!! People are happy!!! I would be happy to cry even tears if they wouldn’t evaporate away
To me, you guys are happiness!!! Yohohoho!!! ブルック、ルフィ見て Brook and Luffy looking (at each other presumably) ブルック「あなたが私を仲間に誘ってくれましたね!!本当に嬉しかったのです。どうもありがとう Brook: You asked me to become your nakama, right!! That truly made me happy.
ルフィ「おい!!何でだよ!!」 Luffy: Hey! What the hell!! ブルック「先程も話した様に私は影を奪われ太陽の下では生きていけない体! Brook: Like I told you before, my shadow was stolen and I have a body that can’t live under the sun
now, I’m shielded by this fog, but if I go out onto the ocean with you, it’s just を出ても私の体が消滅するのも時間の問題 a matter of time before my body is erased
I’ll stay here and wait for the day when miraculously my shadow is brought back to me!! Yohohoho ルフィ「何言ってんだよ水くせェ!!!だったらおれが取り返してやるよ!!! Luffy: What are you talking about!! If that’s the case then I’ll get it back!!! そういや誰かに取られたっつったな、誰だ!!?」 Who’s the guy that took it from you, who!!? ブルック「・・・・!!」 Brook: ……!! ルフィ「どこにいるんだ!!」 Luffy: Who has it!! ブルック「・・・・あなた、本当にいい人ですね。驚いた!!―――しかし、それは言えません Brook: …you, truly are a good person. I’m surprised!! ---however, I can’t say
I just met you guys a little bit ago.. I don’t want to send you off to what will most likely be your death for my sake フランキー「敵が強すぎるって事か?減るもんじゃないし名前を言うくらいいいだろ?」 Franky: You mean the enemy is too strong? It’s no big deal, just tell us the name. ブルック「いいえ、言えません。当てもないのです!!ヨホホホ Brook: No, I can’t say. There’s no hope!! Yohohoho
I don’t know if I’ll meet him by the end of my second life
maybe, the next time we meet, I too can help decide on the field of battle
ブルック「それより歌を歌いましょう!!!今日のよき出会いの為に Brook: Forget that for now, let’s sing a song!!! About the outcomes of today’s meetings
My musical instruments are my pride!! On the pirate ship I was a musician. (後ろから壁から何か出てくる)
(He takes something out from behind the wall)
ルフィ「え――――~~~~っ!!?本当かァ!!?頼むから仲間に入れよバカヤロー!!」 Luffy: Whaaat!! Are you serious!!? Please, you have to become my nakama, you idiot!! ブルック「ヨホホ!!では楽しい舟唄を一曲いきましょうか!!・・・・!!」 Brook: Yohoho!! Well then how about a sailor’s tune!!...!! ブルック「ギャアアアアアアア!!!ゴ・・・ゴースト~~~~!!」 Brook: gyaaaa!!! g….ghost~~~!! チョッパー「うわ――――!!何かいる―――――!!」 Chopper: uwaa--!! Something’s here--------!! ズドン(船に衝撃)
ゾロ「何の振動だ!!?」 Zoro: What’s this vibration!!? 慌てて室外に出るブルック In the confusion, Brook goes outside ブルック「何て事!!まさかこの船はもう監視下にあったのか!!? Brook: What’s this!! Don’t tell me this ship is being watched!!?
Look! The front gate has been locked!! That’s the vibration we’re hearing!!
This is the back of the boat… which means… hurry and look at the back of the boat!!
…. did you guys somehow pick up the “sinking cask” on the ocean? ルフィ「あ・・・!!拾ったぞ!!!」 Luffy: Yeah!! We picked it up!!! ブルック「それが罠なのです、この船はその時から狙われていたのです!!」 Brook: That was a trap.. since that time this ship has been targeted!! ルフィ「狙うって!?どういう意味だ!?この船は今ずっとここに停まってたのに」 Luffy: Targeted!? What’s that mean?! This ship has been anchored here this whole time though… 目の前に大きな館 Before their eyes, a big hotel shows us ブルック「これは、海をさ迷うゴースト島・・・!!!”スリラーバーク!!!!”」 Brook: This.. is the roaming ghost island…!!! “Thriller Park” ナミ「さ迷う島・・・!?記録指針は何も反応してないわ・・・!!」 Nami: roaming island….!? the Log Pose isn’t reacting at all…!! ブルック「そうでしょう、この島は遠い西の海からやって来たのですから! Brook: That’s probably true.. since this island comes all the way from west blue!
く!私の念願まで叶うとは!」 but my heart’s desire came true! 舳先に飛び移るブルック Brook jumps from the bow of the ship サンジ「うお!!何て身の軽さ・・・・!!」 Sanji: Wow!! You must have a light body….!! ブルック「ヨホホホ!!!そう、”死んで骨だけ”軽いのです! Brook: Yohohoho!! That’s right, “just dead bones” light!
Right now you should hurry up to the back of the boat and rise the gate so you can somehow escape!!
There’s no way to drop your anchor on the shores here!!
Today… I’m so glad I got to meet all of you, and eat delicious food!! I’ll never forget you!!
Well then!! Take care and let’s meet somewhere else on the ocean!! 舳先から海へ降りるブルック Brook heads off towards the beach from the bow ルフィ「おい!!待てブルック!!おいおいお前能力者だろ!!飛び込んでどうすんだよ!!!」 Luffy: Hey!! Wait, Brook!! heyheyhey, you were a devil fruit user!! What happens if you jump in!?! ブルック「ヨホホホ」 Brook: yohohoho 海を走るブルック Brook runs on the water ルフィ「海の上を走ってる!!うおーすげェ!!!」 Luffy: He’s running on top of the water!! That’s amazing!!! ナミ「・・・!!と・・・とにかくルフィ!!あいつの言う通りにしましょう!! Nami: ….! a…anyway, Luffy!! We should do what he said!!
I don’t know what, but something’s happening!! That island is really dangerous!! ルフィ「・・・ん?何か言ったか?」(満面の笑み) Luffy: …hm? did you say something? (smiling with his whole face) 一同「行く気満々だァー!!!」 Everyone: he totally wants to go!!!! </hide>